A few days ago, I found an article about algorithm of finding Longest Common Subsequence (LCS). Here is its link: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:3xhhf3n6TEMJ:www.sms.edu.pk/journals/jprm/jprmvol4/jprm9_4.pdf+&hl=vi&gl=vn&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiYAIGwMFziedBggqJPQN8ipIweV-KZUqCOnGA2ZnweAV3wNM11uQNC7HF4tYyTFvUhebP2BszIKI5m-ZYnF4O7t6MBtR0QV8ZJlzOI3T1Ex_mmnd2fiyhPaf0-lxsF0W-1wUu8&sig=AHIEtbR2Uaubbu_0sd9HzfW0NsQNFFYmhg
The article mentions an algorithm of O(n) for finding LCS of two strings X and Y (m is length of X, n is length of Y) with preprocessing of O(m). This algorithm is a greedy approach to solve LCS. I think it is very interesting and decide to learn it fully. But I stuck in implementation of this algorithm. I did try to write code for it but I can't do it correctly.
I hope somebody can help me for this algorithm's implementation. Thank you very much!
Thanks for reading!