Codeforces Global Round 11 |
Finished |
You have a blackboard and initially only an odd number x is written on it. Your goal is to write the number 1 on the blackboard.
You may write new numbers on the blackboard with the following two operations.
The single line of the input contains the odd integer x (3≤x≤999,999).
Print on the first line the number q of operations you perform. Then q lines should follow, each describing one operation.
You can perform at most 100,000 operations (that is, q≤100,000) and all numbers written on the blackboard must be in the range [0,5⋅1018]. It can be proven that under such restrictions the required sequence of operations exists. You can output any suitable sequence of operations.
5 3 + 3 3 ^ 6 3 + 5 3 + 6 8 ^ 9
10 123 + 123 123 ^ 246 141 + 123 246 + 123 264 ^ 369 121 + 246 367 ^ 369 30 + 30 60 + 60 120 ^ 121
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