Ways to use obsidian for competitive programming (Part 2)

Правка en2, от Ron0Studios, 2022-08-22 11:27:37

Hello everyone!

I think I've been long due to make an update on my last post on Obsidian. I can say that so far, things have gone very well, and I would like to preface by saying that I had to take a break from CP for around 6-8 months due to a very intensive set of exams I had to prepare for.

In any case, here are the things that I've learnt using Obsidian after a 3 or so months more of CP!

What I've been doing

For the last 3 months, I focused on preparing for the IOI and getting better at problem solving in general. For this reason, I held off learning tonnes of new data structures all at once (You'll see some evidence of this in the graph). My main priorities was getting good at hard implementation problems, something that is common in the BIO. I also focused on getting used to identifying different programming paradigms, so practicing ad hoc, Greedy and dynamic programming was something I also took seriously.

Here is the graph as of now for reference:

It's definitely grown a lot since my last post, and managing clarity for certain parts has also grown more difficult.

explaining the graph

There are a few bits and pieces I will have to explain before I can continue to show the problems I encountered when working with bigger graphs. You will have noticed a few more colors a lack of labeling on the nodes compared to my last post. The latter is because the graph has gotten too big to show labels! The extra colors has been a substitute for that in a sense, since it represents different tags and attributes to the problem. Here is some rough sketching to describe the "domains" of the graph:

Often, things that I like to avoid doing is having large groups of nodes all attached to the same thing, such as what you see in the greedy domain. Managing an obsidian graph, funnily enough, is like trimming hedges! Sometimes quality is better than quantity, and writing good nodes with plenty of relevant backlinks can really make your graphs shine.

Red colored nodes are unfinished, meaning they either don't have a good enough amount of content written about them to be considered useful. A good example of this is the singular node connecting the range query domains to the graph domain, a note on segment trees, which is something I looked up on out of interest but found a bit too complicated at the time.

Problems encountered with bigger graphs

Here are the main problems you'll find as your "notespace" increases.

  • You'll end up having to look through and manage a lot more notes to keep your backlinks working.
  • You'll, at some point, have to add more plugins to keep the app flexible, which can (over time) slow down the program, at least for my 5 year old laptop lol.

Plugins, tools and techniques

Теги #learning, #obsidian, #long-term, #notetaking, #study


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en7 Английский Ron0Studios 2022-08-22 12:22:49 145
en6 Английский Ron0Studios 2022-08-22 12:17:27 3 (published)
en5 Английский Ron0Studios 2022-08-22 12:16:34 169
en4 Английский Ron0Studios 2022-08-22 12:11:54 3324
en3 Английский Ron0Studios 2022-08-22 11:44:11 1425
en2 Английский Ron0Studios 2022-08-22 11:27:37 1767 Tiny change: 'graph:\n![](/predown' -> 'graph:\n![ ](/predown'
en1 Английский Ron0Studios 2022-08-22 11:07:56 1270 Initial revision (saved to drafts)