hello every my name is nguyentrongvanviet a student in Viet Nam (sorry for my poor English but please give me advice if you can) I want to be better at cp to get a better university in my country but to do that I have to get a degree or a certificate at cp contest such as VOI or ICPC ( in my country)
I am very interested at some new topic at the first day such as ST ,BIT ,DSU , DFS , BFS , graph :( but after a while I found other topic such as super DP problem or some super difficult adhoc problem :( (as I think) but after have seen the answer from teacher or some other guy I find it not that difficult but there are so many times I get into this situtation, I has a special ability that I can digest something new pretty fast but I don't know where to start even have started already is there any idea that I can follow (I am not a very good person who can make plan ) so please give me your idea if you can