With the broad availability of quick and efficient sorting algorithms, that can sort arrays in $$$O(N*logN)$$$ complexity, little space was left for the bad sorting algorithms. Because of this, I will, in this blog, explore the vast world of the bad sorting algorithms.
-This may be the most famous bad sorting algorithm. Its legendary strategy consists of randomly shuffling and array until it is sorted. In average, $$$(N-1)*N!$$$ swaps are made.
*It is also worth mentioning that there is a variant of this algorithms that eliminates the randomness issue: Create all $$$N!$$$ possible permutations of a given array. Go through each one checking if they are ordered or not.
-This is another sorting algorithm that relies on randomness to be bad and the strategy it uses to sort is quite simple: If the array is not ordered, randomly select two elements of an array, swap them. The expected time complexity is a bit more complex, but on average $$$N!$$$ swaps are made.
-This algorithm is a very interesting one. It utilizes the parody technique multiply and surrender in order to sort its elements.