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What are you doing Mike

Revision en1, by Xbalanque, 2024-09-03 19:53:27

Why are you implementing new features on this website MikeMirzayanov when it can not even handle 40k people, even leetcode does better than that.

Are you really not getting enough money cuz Pavel is in jail ?

Come one MikeMirzayanov, you can do better than that. This is not something new, please make codeforces worthy and make it able to handle its users properly.

I believe there are thousands of extremely frustrated users like me who are annoyed because of this.

Such a shame and pity.

Tags rant


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English Xbalanque 2024-09-03 20:00:17 64
en1 English Xbalanque 2024-09-03 19:53:27 565 Initial revision (published)