- Say X and Y are no. of pairs for x1 and y1 in range [x2,y2] where y/x = k^n
- So all the numbers b/w x1 and y1 have pairs b/w X and Y.
- So, for range i => X to Y, find interval where no. of pairs are i
But this is failing.This soln. looks promising to me, Please help me why this will not work. TIA
ll solve(ll x, ll p, ll q, ll k) { ll pow = 0, X = 0; while(true) { ll num = x * power(k,pow); if(num>=p and num<=q) X++; else if(num>q) break; pow++; } return X; } int main(){ ll t = 1; cin>>t;
while(t--) { ll k, a,b, p,q; cin>>k>>a>>b>>p>>q; // find no of soln. for "a" ll pow = 0, X = 0; while(true) { ll num = a * power(k,pow); if(num>=p and num<=q) X++; else if(num>q) break; pow++; } // find no of soln. for "b" pow = 0; ll Y = 0; while(true) { ll num = b * power(k,pow); if(num>=p and num<=q) Y++; else if(num>q) break; pow++; } ll result = 0, prev = a; for(int i=X;i>=Y;i--) { // find how many numbers have "i" pairs ll low = a, high = b; ll ans = 0; while(low <= high) { ll mid = (low + high)/2; // find "mid" range in a->b ll res = solve(mid,p,q,k); if (res>=i){ ans = mid; low = mid+1; } else high = mid-1; } result += i * (ans - prev + 1); // cout<<i<<": "<<prev<<" "<<ans<<E; prev = ans+1; } cout<<result<<E; }