Rating changes for last rounds are temporarily rolled back. They will be returned soon. ×

Can anyone help me here? 
Difference between en1 and en2, changed 3 character(s)
As you can probably tell, I am not very good at coding, so I might have made basic errors↵
This is my code for https://mirror.codeforces.com/gym/102942/problem/E↵
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? im using PyPy3 64 bit interpreter↵

import math↵

t = int(input())↵
n = []↵
s = []↵
for _ in range(t):↵

def password(n, s):↵
    dict = {}↵
    j = 0↵

    for i in s:↵
        if i != '-':↵
            dict[j] = int(i)↵
        j += 1↵

    indices = list(dict.keys())↵
    z = [dict[p] for p in indices]↵

    if z:↵
        if z != sorted(z):↵
            return 0↵
            def permutation(space, value):↵
                return math.factorial(space + value - 1) // (math.factorial(space) * math.factorial(value - 1))↵

            k = len(indices)↵
            ways = 1↵

            for x in range(k - 1):↵
                ways *= permutation(indices[x + 1] - indices[x] - 1, dict[indices[x + 1]] - dict[indices[x]] + 1)↵

            ways *= permutation(indices[0], dict[indices[0]])↵

            ways *= permutation(n - 1 - indices[k - 1], 10 - dict[indices[k - 1]])↵

            return ways % ((10 ** 9) + 7)↵
        return 9 ** n % ((10 ** 9) + 7)↵

for i in range(t):↵
    print(password(n[i], s[i]))↵


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English New_and_simple 2024-12-17 13:20:26 3 Tiny change: 'erpreter\n~~~~~\ni' -> 'erpreter\n\n~~~~~\ni'
en1 English New_and_simple 2024-12-17 13:17:02 1347 Initial revision (published)