Hello codeforces,
I was solving this problem:
You are given a graph, and you have to answer queries of type:
1) Delete edge from U to V
2) Add edge from U to V
3) See if vertexes U and V are in the same connected component.
I couldn't come with an online solution, but I think I found an offline one.
So first I compress all queries of adding or removing and edge as: edge from U to V is available in time [i; j], where i is the time of adding and j is time of removing. Now we can do divide and conquare with dsu. This will be like that:
Rec(L, R, dsu)
Look for all queries that are q.L <= L and R <= q.R
([L; R] lies in [q.L; q.R]) and add unite q.U and q.V in dsu
IF L == R -> if query[L] is of type 3 then answer it and stop (and also undo changes to dsu).
Mid = (L + R) / 2;
Rec(L, Mid, dsu);
Rec(Mid + 1, R, dsu);
Undo changes to dsu
So this solution is O(M*logM*Cost_of_dsu). But the problem is in the DSU (the undoing of operations). I couldn't find how to do persistent DSU or DSU with restoring/undoing/backtracking. So if someone knows how to do this I will really appriciate if he helps! :)
PS: By DSU I mean disjoint set union