Hi all!
In two days, at 19:35 MSK Codeforces Round #339 (Div. 1 & Div. 2) will take place. This is an unusual round since we — the problemsetters — are highschool students who participate in the programming training group at high school #179. This round is our first effort and we did our best to make it interesting and bug-free. I invite you all to compete in this round since the problems will be solvable, but even tourist will have to think over some of them. :)
With supervision and control from Mikhail Tikhomirov (Endagorion), the problems were developed by: Egor Chunaev (ch_egor), Vasily Alferov (platypus179), Dmitry Sayutin (cdkrot), Timofey Gutor (Tigutor), Maria Fedorkina (crossopt). Mikhail Sorokin (themikemikovi4) and Sergey Aleikin (Derrior) contributed their problem ideas.
We thank Gleb Evstropov (GlebsHP) for his help in preparing the contest, Maria Belova (Delinur) for translating the statements in English, AlexFetisov and winger for testing, and, of course, MikeMirzayanov for unique CodeForces and Polygon systems.
Round will have standard Codeforces rules, with pretests at first, and final tests afterwards. Take care to account for all possible cases.
Best of luck to everyone!
UPD Points for problems are
Div 2. 500-1000-1750-2250-2250, Div 1. 750-1250-1250-2000-2500
UPD Congratulations winners! результаты