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Codechef and some problem

Revision en1, by amethyst0, 2017-04-01 02:15:55

About one month ago codechef send me a letter, in which they informed me, that my code was used by some other contestant in March Challenge. They gave me links to solutions and they were similar. I don't know how anybody could get my code, i'm afraid that my account was broken because my password was too weak. I have already sent two letters to the codechef administration, but i haven't received any answer yet. I really like competitions on the Codechef, and it is really sad, that they don't pay any attention to this problem. Did anybody have the same problem?

Tags codechef, ban, coolstorybob


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English amethyst0 2017-04-01 02:15:55 591 Initial revision (published)