I realised that there is only one way improve one's skill, and that is through practice. So I decided to practice more topics and more problems on codeforces and different judges. This is simply a daily record for what I did through my vacation. ↵
I also want to tell you about stopstalk.com. It is a good site to make and keep you daily coding record.↵
##**16 MAY 2017**↵
##### **Problems Solved** -↵
###### 1. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/535/D↵
This was a simple problem and it used Z function for prefix length calculation↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/535/submission/27152004↵
###### 2. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/551/B↵
Although the problem was simple, I had some trouble in understanding the language of the problem. It took time more than required. ↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/551/submission/27160921↵
##### **Participated Contest** - ↵
I participated in a virtual contest ( **Round 308 DIV 2** ). I was able to solve all the problems, but then last problem was accepted just 2 min before the contest ended. ↵
###### A. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/A↵
The problem was fairly simple, but then rather than simply adding the area, I made a 2-D hash map. Guess I have to practice a little more for problem A.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27165795↵
###### B. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/B↵
The problem was mathematical. I solved it by forming a series. Got one WA for not using long long.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27165912↵
###### C. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/C↵
I solved the problem using meet in middle. But the editorial talked about an another wonderful way to solve that. Do watch the editorial solution. It is an excellent concept in itself.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27166275↵
###### D. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/D↵
This was another interesting problem to solve. I used concept of slopes to generate triangle. Got 4 WA. Was not taking care of slope sign and was not handling 0 slope and inf slope cases.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27166893↵
###### E. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/E↵
Pretty interesting problem to solve both by greedy and by DP. I used the later N*N approach. Initially thought of using multiplication as boundaries, but then didn't wanted to take risk. Got 4 WA because of simple mistakes in the loops. Got accepted just before 2 min from end. ↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27167519
I also want to tell you about stopstalk.com. It is a good site to make and keep you daily coding record.↵
##**16 MAY 2017**↵
##### **Problems Solved** -↵
###### 1. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/535/D↵
This was a simple problem and it used Z function for prefix length calculation↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/535/submission/27152004↵
###### 2. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/551/B↵
Although the problem was simple, I had some trouble in understanding the language of the problem. It took time more than required. ↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/551/submission/27160921↵
##### **Participated Contest** - ↵
I participated in a virtual contest ( **Round 308 DIV 2** ). I was able to solve all the problems, but then last problem was accepted just 2 min before the contest ended. ↵
###### A. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/A↵
The problem was fairly simple, but then rather than simply adding the area, I made a 2-D hash map. Guess I have to practice a little more for problem A.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27165795↵
###### B. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/B↵
The problem was mathematical. I solved it by forming a series. Got one WA for not using long long.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27165912↵
###### C. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/C↵
I solved the problem using meet in middle. But the editorial talked about an another wonderful way to solve that. Do watch the editorial solution. It is an excellent concept in itself.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27166275↵
###### D. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/D↵
This was another interesting problem to solve. I used concept of slopes to generate triangle. Got 4 WA. Was not taking care of slope sign and was not handling 0 slope and inf slope cases.↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27166893↵
###### E. http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/552/E↵
Pretty interesting problem to solve both by greedy and by DP. I used the later N*N approach. Initially thought of using multiplication as boundaries, but then didn't wanted to take risk. Got 4 WA because of simple mistakes in the loops. Got accepted just before 2 min from end. ↵
###### **solution link** — http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/552/submission/27167519