A O(10^15) code gets accepted in 15ms.

Правка en2, от amanmehta-maniac, 2017-05-25 23:55:10

I was recently wondering what complexity loop can be used in less than 1 sec. For the same, I took one of my previously solved problems and added an extra loop but, even after I increase the looping to as high as 10^15, I get Accepted within 15ms. How could this happen?

Attached is a screenshot of my solution which includes a 10^15 loop which gets accepted within 15ms.

Problem link: http://mirror.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/371/C

Solution link: https://paste.ofcode.org/37dpgTeNtDQSt4uU5BEWiLa

PS: If this a bad place to ask for this query, please let me know where to post this. :)

Теги #timelimit


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en5 Английский amanmehta-maniac 2017-05-26 00:04:24 168
en4 Английский amanmehta-maniac 2017-05-26 00:02:10 21
en3 Английский amanmehta-maniac 2017-05-25 23:56:58 0 Tiny change: 'screenshot of my sol' -> 'screenshot( of my sol'
en2 Английский amanmehta-maniac 2017-05-25 23:55:10 2299
en1 Английский amanmehta-maniac 2017-05-25 23:50:33 2906 Initial revision (published)