I am solving the following problem:
Given T (T<=75) testcases . Each testcase consists of N (N<=10^4) strings and Q (Q<=10^4) queries. In each query you are given a number X.The task is to find the most common suffix of length X among the given strings and you need to print how common it is. Sum of length of all strings in a testcase is<=10^5.
Link to problem: http://mirror.codeforces.com/gym/101502/problem/G
E.g. Input : 1 5 4 abccba abddba xa abdcba aneverknow 1 2 4 3 Output: 4 3 1 2
I am inserting the given strings in a trie and storing a variable count in each node to find number of strings along the given path with suffix of length K. Now for all possible length of suffixes I am updating the ans[] array which stores the result for a given prefix of length K. and hence answering queries in O(1) but I am geting TLE. I am not able to optimize it further . How to solve this problem?? My code: https://ideone.com/fNAWjb