D2A author: 300iq, cdkrot, developer: 300iq
D2B author: isaf27, developer: cdkrot
D1A author: isaf27, developer: isaf27
D1B author: 300iq, developer: Flyrise
D1С author: pashka, developer: cdkrot
D1D author: tourist, developers: qoo2p5, VArtem
The first solution: 40970352 and the second solution: 40971547.
D1E author: isaf27, developer: isaf27
D1F author: GlebsHP, developers: demon1999, PavelKunyavskiy
Credits to all jury members, who contributed to this round and EJOI: tourist, PavelKunyavskiy, niyaznigmatul, 300iq, GlebsHP, pashka, qoo2p5, VArtem, demon1999, Flyrise, ifsmirnov, isaf27, yeputons, cdkrot.