[Programming Club, Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi](https://www.facebook.com/prog.iitmandi/) is organizing [Dementia 2019](https://www.codechef.com/DEMA2019) as part of our cultural-cum-technical fest Exodia. The contest will take place on 26th April 2019 at 21:002:15 IST (15:306:45 UTC). The contest features 7 problems of varying difficulty and you'll get 3 hours for solving them. The problem setters and testers for the contest are [user:sagarguptasml,2019-04-24], [user:hitesh_r,2019-04-24], [user:avi224,2019-04-24], [user:AkaiShuuichi9866,2019-04-24], [user:abhigyank,2019-04-24] and [user:lane,2019-04-24]. The contest is rated for Division II on codechef (below 1800 rating). However, Division I can participate out of competition.↵
There are prizes worth Rs 10K for the overall top participants (from both divisions).↵
Contest link: [https://www.codechef.com/DEMA2019](https://www.codechef.com/DEMA2019)↵
Registration for prizes: [https://forms.gle/oVxQ5pHTzagcU6NP7](https://forms.gle/oVxQ5pHTzagcU6NP7)↵
There are prizes worth Rs 10K for the overall top participants (from both divisions).↵
Contest link: [https://www.codechef.com/DEMA2019](https://www.codechef.com/DEMA2019)↵
Registration for prizes: [https://forms.gle/oVxQ5pHTzagcU6NP7](https://forms.gle/oVxQ5pHTzagcU6NP7)↵