Hi everyone,
I was thinking about the following string problem:
You are given a string of length n, and q queries. Each query is a substring of the original string (s[l ... r]). For each query, you want to find the number of prefixes of the substring that are equal to a suffix. For example:
1 3
1 5
For the first query, the answer should be 1, and the second query, the answer should be 2 (abcab == abcab, and ab == ab).
I haven't made much progress so far (I tried getting aho-corasick and suffix array to work, but I didn't find a way). Assuming $$$n \le 10^5$$$ and $$$q \le 10^5$$$, none of my ideas work.
Is there a solution to this problem, or is the lower bound on the time complexity $$$O(n^2+q)$$$ or $$$O(nq)$$$ (the best solutions i have found so far).
Because the problem has no source (I was thinking about problem ideas and stumbled upon this one) there might be no answer, but the problem seems so simple that there has to be one.
Excuse me if there are any mistakes here, as this is my first blog ever