Big thanks to KAN who uploaded these two contests with ghosts and everything and even tuned up TLs a bit for CF.
2019-2020 Winter Petrozavodsk Camp, Day 8: Almost Algorithmic Contest
The second contest was used as an OpenCup stage last season, while the first one was not published anywhere (except some secret Chinese servers I assume).
Selfpromotion: I really think that these two contests are amazing. The difficulty is comparable to ICPC WF or harder regional finals (but with a smaller number of easy problems, who needs them anyway).
I was the author of more than half problems from both contests, with additional problems contributed by KAN, vepifanov, ashmelev, kristevalex, Merkurev and WYOCMWYH. I also want to mention the authors of three original problems that were improved and reused in the second contest: Ferume, fake123 and dario2994.