Блог пользователя Cipesta...

Автор Cipesta..., история, 3 месяца назад, По-английски

Hey coders!

So, after all the excitement of CP, what's next for you? Are you thinking of working together with others on open-source projects, trying out new ideas at startups, studying more at universities, doing freelance work, joining big tech companies, or maybe even becoming a teacher? It's up to you to decide what's best for you.

Share your plans with us! And if you have any tips or advice for others in the same boat, we'd love to hear them. Feel free to share your suggestions, thoughts, or anything else you'd like to add.

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Автор Cipesta..., история, 5 месяцев назад, По-английски

Do you believe in the power of taking breaks during intense coding sessions?

Is it beneficial to take a break of about 2 or 3 weeks after a prolonged coding session?

Feel free to share your suggestions, thoughts, or anything else you'd like to add.

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Автор Cipesta..., история, 5 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hello fellow coders!

Today, let's discuss the practice of checking the common standings or friends' standings during contests. Personally, I often find myself doing so, yet at times, it can induce feelings of anxiety.

I invite you to share your perspectives on whether it's beneficial or detrimental, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with it.

Share your thoughts about whether it's helpful or not to look at the standings during contests and what's good and bad about it.Thank you...

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Автор Cipesta..., история, 5 месяцев назад, По-английски

As beginners like myself, we often find ourselves making silly mistakes during contests or upsolves, forgetting to include crucial corner cases in our code. It's a frustration we all share – that sinking feeling when we realize our oversight after the contest ends. Personally, I've had my fair share of these moments, and it's time we address them. That's why I'm reaching out to you all for your smart ideas and strategies. How do you ensure you don't overlook corner cases? What techniques have you found effective in minimizing silly mistakes? Share your insights

Looking forward to your contributions and insights!

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Автор Cipesta..., история, 5 месяцев назад, По-английски

Dear Programmers,

Ever wondered about Competitive Programming's broader influence beyond coding challenges? How do CP skills extend into diverse fields?

What benefits does CP offer beyond coding challenges, and how can they be applied in various industries?

Share your thoughts, and experiences. Thank you.

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Автор Cipesta..., история, 6 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hey there, coding pals! Today, let's talk about something super cool – coding platforms. It's like finding the perfect playground for your coding adventures, whether you're a pro or just starting out.

Picking the Right Place to Code: Let's Begin

Imagine this: You're all set to explore the world of coding with your trusty coding tools. But wait, where should you go to show off your coding skills? There are so many choices, and each one is like an exciting new land with cool stuff to explore!

Think of it like this: You're about to step into a magical world of puzzles and words (the coding kind). You have your special writing space ready, but now you need to decide which playground to run to. Each playground has its own set of toys and games, and you get to choose where to have the most fun.

So, dear coder, which platform resonates with you? Which digital realm have you made your coding home? Share your thoughts, experiences, and let's navigate the coding cosmos together! Happy coding.

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