CodeLegendX's blog

By CodeLegendX, 13 days ago, In English

cf-helper is a Python library designed to simplify interaction with the Codeforces API. It abstracts the complexity of API calls, making it easy to fetch user data, contest information, problems, standings, and more.


  • Fetch user details like rating and rank:

  • Get the latest submissions:

  print_user_status(handle="YourHandle", noOfEntries=2)
  • Find problems by tag or rating:

  print_problems(noOfEntries=3, tags="dp", rating=1900)
  • Find problems you haven’t solved yet:

  print_unattempted_problems(handle="YourHandle", tags="dp", rating=1600, noOfEntries=3, chooseRandom=True)
  • Discover upcoming contests:

  • Fetch virtual contests based on your preferences:

  print_virtual_contests(handle="YourHandle", contest_type="Div. 2", noOfContest=2, chooseRandom=True)
  • Analyze contest rating changes:

  print_rating_changes(contest_id=566, noOfEntries=2)
  • Get a user’s rating change for a specific contest:

  print_user_rating_change(contest_id=2040, handle="YourHandle")
  • Fetch contest standings:

  print_contest_standings(contestId=2040, from_index=1, count=5, showUnofficial=True)
  • Find your rank in a contest:

  print_user_standing(contestId=2006, handles="handle1;handle2", showUnofficial=True)
  • Get direct links to accepted submissions:

  print_submission_link(handle="YourHandle", contestId=2040, index="G")


  • Install using pip:

  pip install cf-helper
  • API Key Setup (Optional)

    To access private API endpoints (e.g., friends list), generate an API key and secret via Codeforces API Settings and store them in a .env file:


cf-helper streamlines Codeforces data retrieval for competitive programmers. Explore its features and integrate it into your workflow. For suggestions or contributions, visit cf-helper on GitHub

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