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IlyaCk's blog

By IlyaCk, 13 years ago, translation, In English
Problem A statement (eng.) https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1ie3NIzfcXYPbvmUrj9VW112nwkdnWj2eKw-3gVRGT98

Problem G statement (eng.) https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1gvx2yZ7O-L0SeY0VOQD4R4rmPjrWXhnx6KuvOS5yPio

Explains for A and G (eng., укр. -- Ukrainian text is just translation of English text) https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&srcid=1f3XsMQ_4mKzL05Gqpo38LiV8Kantw_Oc4PuZrZ4qJI3GmU_itLo-6M71xIAx

Statements may vary slightly from the final, distributed directly on the competition. For example, just at the contest I saw on paper phrase "zoom ration" (???), though in the older (this) version it was "zoom ratio", as it should be.

I'm interested in feedback on these tasks, because I prepared them (of course, special thanks to Ukrainian methodical commission who helped me much).

Particulary, I'm very interested that the problem G was solved, and it is rumored that a significant part of solutions principally differs from my solution. Vasyl[Alphacom] (Vasyl Biletsky) told me few words about how to use RMQ here; but, alas, yesterday I realized that misunderstood him :(

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