This post is no longer relevant; it has become significantly outdated. You should read the post at
Later you'll be introduced to the rules of the Codeforces contests, which differ from those of ACM-ICPC, TopCoder, GCJ, and I hope they'll bring some difference to the world of programming competitions. Most of the official competitions will be carried out according to these rules, though there will be more traditional contests. For example, Codeforces Beta Round #1 will be carried out according to the familiar ACM-ICPC rules. For some time testing will be based on Windows, but things might change in future, fortunately, the system supports testing on different platforms, even within one contest.
At the present time the system is configured to support the following programming languages (the compilation and/or the launching line is shown for each language):
- GNU C++ 4
g++.exe -static -DONLINE_JUDGE -lm -s -x c++ -Wl,--stack=268435456 -O2 -o {filename}.exe {file}
- GNU C++11 4
g++.exe -static -DONLINE_JUDGE -lm -s -x c++ -Wl,--stack=268435456 -O2 -std=c++11 -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -o {filename}.exe {file}
- GNU C 4
gcc.exe -static -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-strict-aliasing -DONLINE_JUDGE -fno-asm -lm -s -Wl,--stack=268435456 -O2 -o {filename}.exe {file}
- MS VS C++
cl /W4 /F268435456 /EHsc /O2 /DONLINE_JUDGE {file} - Free Pascal 2
-n -O2 -Xs -Sgic -viwn -dONLINE_JUDGE -Cs67107839 -Mdelphi -XS {file} -o{filename}.exe - Delphi 7
dcc32 -Q -$M1048576,67107839 -DONLINE_JUDGE -cc {file}
- C# Mono 2
dmcs -define:ONLINE_JUDGE -o+ -out:{filename}.exe {file}
- C# .NET
csc.exe /o+ /d:ONLINE_JUDGE /r:System.Numerics.dll /out:{filename}.exe {file}
- Java 6, 7
javac -cp ".;*" {file}
java.exe -Xmx512M -Xss64M -DONLINE_JUDGE=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Duser.variant=US -jar %s
- Ruby
ruby.exe %s - Python 2, Python 3
python.exe %s - PHP 5
php.exe -n -d ONLINE_JUDGE=true -d display_errors=Off -d error_reporting=0 %s
- Haskell GHC 7
ghc --make -O %s - D
dmd -L/STACK:268435456 -version=ONLINE_JUDGE -O -release -inline -noboundscheck {file} - OCaml
ocamlopt nums.cmxa str.cmxa -pp camlp4o -unsafe -o {filename}.exe-ocaml {file}
- Scala
As Java - JavaScript V8
d8 {file}
It is not guaranteed that all the problems will have solutions in all the given languages (it's especially about the scripting ones). Probably, I'll later introduce equalizing coefficients for the working time for some languages. A "plus" next to the version name means that the testing system can use older versions. If you have suggestions about the possible ways to change the compilation or the launching line, write about them in your commentaries.
It should be mentioned that apart from standard verdicts, you can get "Denial of judgement", which usually means that your solution can't be launched, or it has unexpectedly failed. For example, is the Delphi array is too big, the compiler compiles the code, but the result will be the incorrect win32 exe-file. Solutions with the verdicts like "Compilation failed", "Denial of judgement", "Judgement failed" will be ignored while summing the results.
Moreover, pay attention, please, that the problems will be given in English as well as in Russian.
That's it, see you at Codeforces Beta Round#1.
UPD: GCC compiler has been added.
UPD 2: Added Haskell and F#.
UPD 3.2: Actual compiler versions are
- Mono C# compiler version 3.2.3
- DMD32 D Compiler v2.064.2
- Delphi 7 [Borland Delphi Version 15.0]
- Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.2
- MinGW g++.exe (GCC) 4.9.2
- Haskell Glorious Glasgow, version 7.6.1
- Java 6 javac 1.6.0_45
- Java 7 javac 1.7.0_72
- Java 8 javac 1.8.0_25
- Ocaml ocamlopt 4.00.1
- Perl v5.12.2
- PHP 5.3.8
- Python 2.7.8
- Python 3.4.1
- Ruby 2.0.0p353
- Scala compiler version 2.11.1
- MS VS C++ 2010
- JavaScript V8 3.23.0