Блог пользователя PaciukZvichainyi

Автор PaciukZvichainyi, 21 месяц назад, По-английски

What's the reason to name edge like (u, v)? When they are printed letters they seem pretty distinct but with TeX or Latex it's almost impossible to see their difference (especially if you read problem fast). Look, they differ only by one tiny line:

It is really annoying to turn on my brain just to understand this is v or u (or mb v and v, who knows). I think it is especially hard for visually impaired.
Even if there is some "mathematical" idea behind it, just name x and y and all life becomes easier.


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Автор PaciukZvichainyi, 21 месяц назад, По-английски

Disclaimer: fun.

A lot of people in competitive programming dream to be part of Google internship. I was one of them recently. Also your wishes can be like "to work in big tech company". But are all companies have good quality software? I'll compare it as usual user not hacker or minecraft player.
First semi-final is Google vs Microsoft. If I won't die until next month mb there will be also Meta vs Amazon (or smth like this).

Rules: I divide companies software into two tier: "God Tier" and "Mb useful / Don't use". Bad products are not taken into accounts. God Tier — 1 point, Mb useful — 0.5 points.

Let's deep in.

God Tier

Google Microsoft
Gmail VsCode
Drive Office
Chrome/Google Windows
  1. Gmail. 0 alternatives. Thank God, I can use it as Microsoft accounts.
  2. Drive. 15 gb is quite enough to back-up some files. I haven't use Dropbox so can't compare it.
  3. Chrome/Google. Very decent. If you aren't nerd, you can use it without 127653 forums. + large marketplace.
  4. Youtube. I like to watch tmwilliamlin168 videos.
  1. VsCode. Hell yeah. Minimalistic, customizable, supports remote wsl. You can login without outlook.
  2. Office. 0 alternatives. Easy to use when you need to make presentation on World Literature. One minus — a lot of buttons. Also Word is the best IDE.
  3. Windows. Without Windows existence we wouldn't know Arch is the best OS. This is usable after deleting all programs and clearing taskbar to 2 buttons.


Google Microsoft
Go C# and Basic

Damn. I'm done, so done. I'm tired to write it. Just wanted to say I hate Microsoft and one Telegram is better than all Microsoft ecosystem. But now see that Google isn't any better:))))))

Unhappy you after reading blue clown instead of listening python course.
POV Unhappy you after reading this circus

There will be no second part

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Автор PaciukZvichainyi, история, 21 месяц назад, По-английски

Why I got Runtime Error on first test w/o vector reserve and got Accepted with reserve?



The only difference is line 77 (if you open it in text editor).

Also, it passes test on local machine even without reserve statement.


ImplicitSegmentTree(int l, int r) {
	lb = l; rb = r;
	n = r-l+1;
	next = 0;
	// TODO Change
	// nodes.reserve(4831707);
	root = &nodes[next++];


ImplicitSegmentTree(int l, int r) {
	lb = l; rb = r;
	n = r-l+1;
	next = 0;
	// TODO Change
	root = &nodes[next++];

And last: the memory limit isn't a problem with this solution, because even with reserve(1e7) it works fine.

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