Why does the code show Error? A complete content about Verdict is given:
Compilation Error (CE): Your program did not get compiled successfully. Common reasons like Syntax Error, Missing Imports, Using restricted functionalities.
Wrong Answer (WA): Your program ran successfully but returned a different output. Common reasons like Incorrect interpretation of problem, Incorrect solution, Bug in the code, Edge cases (multiple test cases).
Time Limit Exceeded (TLE): Your program did not complete execution in the allotted time. Your program gets a predefined time limit for every test case. Common reasons like Solution isn't optimal, Infinite Loop.
Memory Limit Exceeded (MLE): Your program tried to allocate more memory. Common reasons like Declaring large arrays/lists, Adding a lot of data, Stack Overflow Error.
5.1. Runtime Error (SIGSEGV/Segmentation Fault): Your program tried to access or write to a memory that, it can't access or is invalid. Common reasons like Accessing array/string index outside its range, Using too much memory in some languages, Uninitialized/Incorrectly initialized pointers.
5.2. Runtime Error (SIGFPE): Your program encountered a floating-point error. Generally caused if you do an invalid math operation. Common reasons like Division by zero, Square Root/Log of negative numbers.
5.3. Runtime Error (SIGABRT): Your program aborted the program due to fatal error. Common reason like Using assert/abort in the code.
5.4. Runtime Error (NZEC/Non-Zero Error Code): Your program didn't return a zero-error code from the main method & didn't fall into any of the above buckets. Common reasons like Not returning 0 from main method, Not catching exceptions.
- Presentation Error (PE): Your program ran successfully & the output is correct but the output format is incorrect. Normally due to "a missing space, newline, an extra space or newline."