I have a big fear!!
Before a contest, i become extremely nervous to give the contest or not(very much scared of rating downfall)
Moreover I feel that I have attained my best rating(upto what is my potential) and should now focus on increasing my level(doing >= 1600 in my case) and then start giving contests when i am comfortable on this range . **** Does this notion work or I should do something else to increase my performance?
And also it would be extremely helpful to guide to how to maintain coolness in a contest
Feel the fear and do it anyway! :)
You can click here to check pkpawan 's post and follow the comments section.
I am not any good at competitive programming or any position to give you any advice but wishing all the best to you and may the given link helps you to get valid information about your question. :)
Think like this, you have already proved to yourself that you will reach your current rating again even if you fall as you have achieved it once. In future you will only improve if you keep on practicing, keep up your practice with these positive thoughts.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by Akpr (previous revision, new revision, compare).
If you give me one contest I will give you two contests.
I think focusing on rating is the problem here. Try to focus on enjoying the questions. Maybe start from D or something (You'll probably drop some rating points, but it's fun and helps to sort of get over the mental block regarding harder problems)
There is only one way to conquer the fear: Lose rating.
I really agree with comment above from koosaga Just try losing rating without solving problems. then youll realize rating is not that important. If you have sufficient skill you can increase your rating anytime you want
Dude, you're literally fretting over fake internet points. The best way to prevent psychological factors from affecting your performance is to just not care about rating too much... if you can't do this, you will not progress and will be left frustrated.
Focus on the problems and have fun — that should be why you are here in the first place