Iknowyou01's blog

By Iknowyou01, history, 3 years ago, In English

Hi everyone out there ! I have recently been facing a lot of problems in solving questions. I don't know what happened. A few days ago I was able to solve the problem with rating 1500-1600 easily but from past 2 days I don't know what happened and now I am not able to think logic even for problems having rating 1200 and less. I don't know what's wrong and its freaking me out a bit now. If anyone could share what to do in such a case..

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3 years ago, # |
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I'm facing a similar issue, I've been consistently solving the first 3-4 tasks in div2 contests and recently I haven't even been able to solve the first three problems, I think the best course of action is just to relax and keep practicing, it will eventually come back. It could also be that something happened in your personal life that is taking your mind off of problem solving.