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Блог пользователя chromate00

Автор chromate00, 23 месяца назад, По-английски

Before we get to the point, I kindly ask you to read the previous part of the blog if you haven't already. It contains a lot of the context we will be speaking of.

So, on the previous half of the blog, I explained the basics of named requirements, and promised to demonstrate implementing a working class based on the RandomNumberEngine requirement. It took some time (due to life & stuff), but here it is now. Here I explain the process of implementing Lehmer64, following the RandomNumberEngine requirement.

First, I read carefully the references for the RandomNumberEngine requirement. Reading these requirements carefully before implementing can prevent many mistakes, so you may as well read the requirements before reading the rest of the blog.

The concise description on the top of Requirements provides a very important information, not present in the table below. It is as follows.

A type E satisfying UniformRandomBitGenerator will additionally satisfy RandomNumberEngine if...

This means that, for a type to meet the requirements for RandomNumberEngine, it must meet UniformRandomBitGenerator first. Therefore, I implemented the requirementd for UniformRandomBitGenerator first. This adds 3 lines of code. (One requirement coincides with RandomNumberEngine)

using result_type=uint64_t;
constexpr static uint64_t min(){return 0ull;}
constexpr static uint64_t max(){return -1ull;}

Now that we have the three functions, we can implement the functions needed for RandomNumberEngine. First, I started off with the two constructors and seed functions, seed() and seed(s). The former is basically initializing the RNG with a default seed, the latter is about initializing the RNG with an arbitrary (user-given) seed. I defined the default seed as the maximum value for an unsigned 64-bit integer. However, one issue was that Lehmer64 uses a 128-bit state. Therefore, I had to change the seed to a 128-bit integer with splitmix64 and some bitmasks. Here are the members I added.

uint64_t sm64(uint64_t x,uint64_t n)
    return x^x>>31;
const static uint64_t def=-1;
Lehmer64(uint64_t seed):state(state_t(sm64(seed,1))<<64|sm64(seed,2)){}
Lehmer64(const Lehmer64& a):state(a.state){}
void seed(){state=state_t(sm64(def,1))<<64|sm64(def,2);}
void seed(uint64_t seed){state=state_t(sm64(seed,1))<<64|sm64(seed,2);}

After this, we need to implement the seed(q) function and its corresponding constructor. The q in seed(q) is defined above, as "q, a lvalue of some type satisfying SeedSequence". SeedSequence here, is another requirement. The only member function of SeedSequence we need to know here, though, would be generate(rb,re). In the reference for SeedSequence, there is a description of this member function.

Fills [rb,re) with 32-bit quantities depending on the initial supplied values and potential previous calls to generate. If rb == re, it does nothing.

So, this is a simple function filling a range with psuedo-random 32-bit unsigned integers. Knowing this, I made an union type of four 32-bit unsigned integers and one 128-bit unsigned integer. This is a lazy way to convert the generated 32-bit integers to one 128-bit integer (in terms of raw bits). After that, I used that union type and wrote the function.

union lz{uint32_t st[4];state_t stt;};
template<class Sseq>
Lehmer64(Sseq& q){lz k;q.generate(k.st,k.st+4);state=k.stt;}
template<class Sseq>
void seed(Sseq& q){lz k;q.generate(k.st,k.st+4);state=k.stt;}

Now we finished 7 functions out of 13 already. For the rest, we can follow the detailed implementations of Lehmer64, or the description of the functions. Here are the other functions I added finally.

uint64_t operator()(){state*=mult;return state>>64;}
template<class T>
T pow(T a,uint64_t b){T z=1;do{if(b&1)z*=a;a*=a;}while(b/=2);return z;}
void discard(uint64_t d){state*=pow(mult,d);}
bool operator==(const Lehmer64& o){return state==o.state;}
bool operator!=(const Lehmer64& o){return state!=o.state;}

template<class os>
os& operator<<(os& ost,const Lehmer64& L){ost<<uint64_t(L.state>>64)<<" "<<uint64_t(L.state);return ost;}
template<class is>
is& operator>>(is& ist,Lehmer64& L){uint64_t a,b;ist>>a>>b;L.state=a;L.state<<=64;L.state|=b;return ist;}

(pow here exists just for binary exponentiation, needed for the discard function, as I did not want the discard function to be $$$O(n)$$$. Also note that the operator overloads for >> and << exist outside the class.)

Here is the final code after merging everything to a working class.


Of course, it may take some time if you are not experienced in structured coding, to write code based on complex requirements. Still, understanding named requirements is very important, you will need them sometime in your CP experience as you advance further. I hope this helps in the process of understanding these named requirements. Please post your questions below if you need any resolutions on the explanation (or understanding any named requirement!)

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