This person NX7 has cheated very badly that now he is going to become expert. you can see for G even the template is not same. Sir, MikeMirzayanov some people are trying hard to reach that blue colour and some are just getting it for no efforts. please ban these people so that the cheaters will think twice before cheating. A humble request!
This person sneh_patel_0701 cheats in almost all the rounds but still didn't get caught. and now he is going to become expert. That's the reason i have written the blog.
Thank you
His solutions indeed contain useless comments copied everywhere around the solution. Examples :,
Most definitely, he is a cheater.
But still, to take any action, proof is needed. We need to find the solution from which he cheated.
Then Mike can easily take actions.
By the way, thanks for pointing out.
Those solutions are purposefully obfuscated, no need for further proof
This Guy above maybe an angel compared to this purposed obfuscation, check this blog
Give this guy more upvotes!
Give this guy more upvotes!