I don't know why Mike Mirzayanov is reluctant to add a dark theme into CodeForces. I went through this blog by sigma_g on how to set dark theme on codeforces but believe me it is not as good as it should be. If you are seeing this Mike please add dark mode, I am sure it won't take that longer for your developer to do this.
You can use Dark Reader Extension , you can adjust according to your preferences , you can use it for all the other websites also , But I do agree codeforces should have a dark theme of it's own
here is the link of the extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en
dark reader has a problem. I can't see the top bar of Home | Contests | Gym | .. (what's it called? Navigation bar? )
are u using this? because I use it too, and there is nothing wrong with the navigation bar, maybe try removing it and adding again.
nope still can't see it. Apparently, changing theme generation mode in settings from Dynamic fixes it but Dynamic is the default mode and I assume changing this would affect the colors in some other annoying ways so idk
Here's how my codeforces looks like, I use midnight lizard extension and changed the black colour to grey.
Here's the settings I changed.
This one is good, wouldn't it be better if Codeforce comes with its own dark theme, not everyone likes the hassle of tweaking the settings of extensions.