The 2nd day of IOI has finished and dissapointment arouses in China resulting in 4 participants who didn't solve full, who we can only imagine what will happen to them after losing -31415926535897932384626433832 social credits.
!!Friendly reminder it is only jokes!!
shocking, i thought china would have all absolute top 4 places
Why should chinese be top4,india will beat china in 2025
maybe not...
lol what?
you're so stupid.
China will be better and better!
You are so interesting.
There was bad omen at the start of day2!!! Mongol guys took revenge for the wall xd
Could someone please link day 2 results? Here is the link to the total results, you can see the first and second day results, and if you want more details on a persons ranks you can tap on their name.
Israel is pretty solid historically, but this year they seem quite amazing.
Thanks brother
I just posted about it actually, they really did amazing and we're very proud of their results.