Problem statement
We transform the condition si≠sn−i+1 into if we change all 0→1,1→0 and reverse it to get a string t, s is good if and only if s=t. Then we can use suffix array or manachar to get the answer.
Then, the hash solution did the same transformation and use hashing to get the answer with base=109+7 and mod=264−1 (unsigned long long
). Can it be hacked? I have done stress test for 15000 test cases :(
I will provide the hash code and the suffix array code below, if you need to make a stress test.
SA code
hash code
Your solution uses
unsigned long long
overflows, so the hash modulo is 264, not 264−1. It is well known that this hash is awful and the key is Thue-Morse sequence, see here.The following generator hacks your solution instantly. For some reason, an assertion fails in the suffix array code if I specify
n = 10'000
, you might want to investigate it too.On the other way, hash 261−1 seems to be a good alternative, I don't know any easy way to hack it. Birthday paradox attack probably can break it, but the probability is quite small, and if it happens, you should apply hashing with double moduli (two substrings are equal, iff both hashes coincide). I think, I haven't seen anywhere single hash modulo 261−1 failing. (However, you should do some bit tricks or use
to multiply two numbers modulo 261−1. I use the latter and it works fine, but it might be unsupported somewhere)You might want to read about hashes further, there are really many articles in the net, for example this or this.
Thank you very much! I knew that using
as hash number is not good but didn't know it is so easy to hackby the way, the SA code runs normally on my computer for n=10000 and it gives the correct output 52036 :(
Oops, sorry, n=10000 is my fault, your suffix array code is correct.