Hi Codeforces,
In the recent Div 3 round Codeforces Round 954 (Div. 3), there has been an unexpected surge in mass-scale cheating. A YouTube channel (which I won't name here) streamed solutions for problems A to F, garnering over 4K views.
Here are the solutions shared by that YouTube channel: Problem C:267203316 Problem D: 267202216 Problem E: 267202667 Problem F: 267202967 (Note: I've modified the solutions slightly just to remove channel's identifying information.)
Many participants have submitted identical solutions, with minor tweaks like variable names, template and macros. I want to highlight and give a special mention to these users who, with sheer audacity and desperation for ratings, resorted to copying: Harsh7k, ads4k, _ishu, Sajal_singh24, godzilla30, jevereat, Anichesschamp1008, shibhaditya, Tom_cruise_007, Deepak_100_hi, Shantanu_Bairagi, 2100031953_klu, shriyansh20sinha, delhiiboy_2.0, yashptl630, saanjhmalik, codenovax, ddixit552
It's evident that their submissions were heavily influenced or directly copied from the YouTuber's solutions.
These are just a few names; if you look at the contest leaderboard and just examine the solutions for Problem F, one can find hundreds of such users with strikingly similar submissions.
I also want to commend a few users who have shown exemplary conduct. If cheaters have their idols, then these users deserve recognition: Mr. Harsh7k, Mr. codenovax, Mr. Jerry_chan, Mr. Shantanu_Bairagi. They took cheating to another level by not simply changing variable names or templates but by rewriting solutions in different languages using GPT or similar methods to evade plagiarism detection effectively.
If you delve into their history, you'll find instances where some of these idols have been caught plagiarizing in consecutive contests, likely from the same source (the aforementioned YouTube channel). Similar concerns have been raised about this YouTuber on platforms like CodeChef and LeetCode.
I urge MikeMirzayanov, the author RedMachine-74, coordinator Vladosiya, and testers (veleboks, iNNNo, Mox_Taest3r, shqrky, Noobish_Monk, meowcneil etc. )to take decisive action against these accounts if found guilty. Additionally, a thorough plagiarism check should be conducted on submissions that appear heavily inspired by the solutions shared by the YouTube channel at the beginning of my message.
It's disappointing for many that copying solutions for problems E and F has gone undetected at such a massive scale, rendering the efforts of honest participants worthless.
Would not name but I have seen a 800 rated guy solving F which is 2000 rated according to clist.by
Edit: it isn't a new account he has given 7+ contests
Try matching his solution with the one above.
It matches exactly
as expected. Why don't you attach his submission here?
but it can be co incidence because these are div 3 problems which are very small so people generally think of same logic also there is no template some guys above have there own templates dont you think your point is not solid
div 3 problems does't means they are a cakewalk. A 2000 rated div 3 problem is equally hard as a 2000 rated div 2 problem. and they are quite smart to avoid plag hence they change the code to be on a safer side. Maybe not all of them cheated but cheating in this round was huge. There COULD be more than 150 guys in top 1000 who really cheated and this number is on the lower side.
same is what i am mentioning if not everyone in the list cheated then why is there name that may be very unfair with them
Changing the programming language (using ai), template, macros, headers, and variable names can never alter the core algorithm and approach.
It can be easily verified that there has been extensive structural and logical similarity among all the codes, coupled with their identical handling of specific edge cases and operations. This strongly indicates that the codes were derived/copied from the same source.
True. The basic motive of competitive programming is damaged by these people who tend to gain rating by these methods and they are the real problem for the community.
Why don't you newbies understand that F was a direct Bridge problem, Any solution for F would be the same it would the same bridge finding algorithm and the same formula n1C2+(n-n1)C2 will be used as is same given in editorial, it is a mistake of RedMachine-74 to put such a silly problem instead of blaming genuine people
Not talking about you , exactly same variables used in a guys code. I am not blaming anyone .I am not sure they cheated. But there was too much coincidence to be ignored. Code is 99% same
And lol that guy is completely exposed now he changes his code template just for F problem lol
blaming the author, really?
As per the rules of Educational Div-3 Rounds, I believe exercises can be used as well. So, I don't really think there is anything wrong about it from the author's side.
"You newbies" 💀
Haha lol
Says the guy who solved B as his last problem lol
26241 rank in your last contest(div 3) (03/06/2024) 289 rank in this contest(div 3) (23/06/2024) How so improvement in just 20 days? Just curious Sajal_singh24 !!!!!
Lmao fking ded, it's pretty clear you have copied and modified the code using chatGPT. How come "you newbies" are so dumb that you copy 6 problems in a contest and achieve rank 289, thinking that the world is blind, they won't notice your overnight improvement, while in your previous contest, you were dead meat?
Blaming a red coder and author to hide your cheating is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. All your combined lifetime CP knowledge is small, like an atom in front of him. What a piece of shit you are Accept that you've cheated and face the punishment.
How come you could solve 6 questions in Div. 3 when most of your solves on other contests are 0? Also, only if you were aware of bridge problems which other 'newbies' are not, you would not be stuck at 2 solves in a Div. 4
would you like to explain why your whole past contest is skipped !
Guy, you havent manage even to solve simple greedy problems, and after some days you know about how to find bridges? Combinotoric formulaes? Newbies?? I do not want to harass by rating, but man you are pupil, and you last 3 contests performance is terrible.
since many users have their contest skipped will the ratings change?
F was obviously an easy problem when you know Tarjan's algorithm. Also the optimization part wasn't easy as it seems. Approximately all codes will be similar. But for a newbie it's not that easy. I know some experts who weren't able to solve it. Then there's a Youtube channel which gave codes upto F.
I think channel name can be mentioned and and in case they have a discord channel which most of them have. So may be some authentic guys who don't copy can visit the discord server and say hello to the moderators of that channel for the kind work they are doing for the community. :))
What do you think, will this round be rated?
I want to clarify no code was copied from any youtube channel just check my submission https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/1986/submission/267050839 and https://cp-algorithms.com/graph/bridge-searching.html#implementation
I have copy pasted the code from cpalgo(this is a website from where copying code for contests is allowed for the rest of the code I have only used my template and in main I am just inputting so where does the question of Copying arises, Tomorrow you may say that tourist is selling his code and everybody his purchasing from him just because the codes of everybody are the same if tourist also uses code from cp-algo.
this is the only code block that I have extra other than my template and if you say for this I needed to open a youtube channel to copy then better learn and practise some graph you wont ask for a plag anymore for this line (any graph problem I have ever solved atleast requires me typing this) and hence I prefer typing it rather than waiting for that slow guy's code on YT.
I know it feels really sad to solve only upto C and seeing others easily solve upto F that's natural human tendency, but plz dont humiliate others uselessly, understand that there are people better than you.
My final advice rewind to the YT video and goto the description where the G-Drive is mentioned. you would see that he had posted F on 9:54 that's around 10 mins before the contest ends and now see my solution time and then see my solution time. it's about 20 mins before it. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bWjELXGoT_EIxkvs4KMBElP-oAuBYJ7i
Look I don't have any issue with you. If you're not guilty, you shouldn't be punished; if you are, then you should. If you're genuine, there's no need to worry, and I would be happiest.
This action is aimed at protecting and improving the codeforces experience. It's not about my abilities, and I'm not trying to boast. Like many other genuine users, I simply want to see less copying. I hope most of us can understand and support this initiative
Great you did changed your whole template for answering f problem and other problems. Maybe a coincidence so as to save time or something else. Even the template you used for answering problems in previous contests were quite different. ohh I think its a new norm to change template for every problem. peace:))
You can check my codes A,C,E and F have exactly the same template B and D were easier so I just typed them on a new file from scratch it's so without any coincidence!
hmmm...hence innocent
D was quite heavy in implementation.. no way you wouldn't use your template in that..
Hi, a bit off-topic, but how do we use templates for DP problems?
There was a brute force solution to D as well... basically its the same way he implemented it..
Can you explain why the codeforces round 950 div 3 went unrated for you ?
It didn't go unrated for him, he submitted an incorrect solution, sealing his participation (checked his submissions) and then didn't do anything. So scored 0, and received a rating decrease on his "True rating" (If you are confused on how he seems to have gained rating, you can go through CF rating system).
Besides that, I am in agreement with you, he probably cheated.
Interesting you have time to type everything from scratch
you coded your submission for D from scratch? then why did you have to write code for Disjoint Set Union in it when you aren't even using it anywhere. Not to mention the precious time in a contest you took to type out typedefs which you aren't even using anywhere in B. Also why is it you were using big variable names such test_cases, num_rows, num_columns in B while variable names such as n, m, k in E, F. I haven't seen any person's coding style changing so randomly between problems in a single contest
hahaha.. initially you had bits header file in your template and then for the so called easy problem (D problem) you included individual header files.. Don't be so predictable ... or maybe it's your style of writing code.. never mind ::))
Why did you change template for problem B?
That's clearly bullshit bro, i wonder if you have any common sense
see you know everything from the youtube to the gmail drive.You have copied just accept it.If you had not copied you would not know anything about it.
Wow Mr Genius, earlier you weren't able to solve even a single problem of div 3, now suddenly you got einstein IQ and solved till F, stop lying dude, Anybody with some common sense can visit your profile and look at your condition, now u may say that this is your second id, then please mention your real id where your are able to solve 2000 rated problems easily
lol Sajal_singh24, write such a long sermon and still get skipped.
I suspect sundaze_1 has used unfair means.
Just 2 weeks ago, this person could only solve 3 in Div-3. Now rank 28 in Div-3. Seems suspicious.
In past 10 contests, this person score outside 5000 in every contest. This sudden improvement is fishy. Hope admins can look at this.
Wtf, this is the most absurd delta I've seen on this thread, and that is saying something.
There aren't just 10-20 instances, but hundreds or even around a thousand. There should be a strict plagiarism check, and penalties such as a few days' ban or a -200 rating.. something like this should be enforced to deter these people from ruining our experience.
Clicked on a random submission. Found this: 267072340.
Using math to avoid getting caught. ♨︎_♨︎
I think you too cheat a lot, how can you get 12000,5000,4000 ranks in contest and then suddenly get 300 ,700 rank. According to logics published on this blog you too are a cheater.
If so, then Sajal_singh24 can you explain how you suddenly jumped to 641 after consistently receiving ranks as poor as 14k, 22k, 19k, 26k? How did this sudden jump occur?
I would love it if you could prove me wrong.
That's what I am saying a month has passed before my last contest. things have flipped now you need to move to reality people do improve, not everybody remains a newbie sharkss even after spending 4-5 months in codeforces.
I never said that [user:sahaun]is a cheater I am just saying the logics that are being posted in this blog implies him a cheater.
Somebody who had the caliber to improve to 641 within a month won't get multiple 10k+rank to start with. Stop lying you are exposed,you are a cheater,you are a loser.
you are definately a cheater
Seems like a cheater to me
I really appreciate your efforts. We found one more god, Lord Saransh6772.
this is the funniest thing I saw today xD but strict actions should be taken against them.
as an in contest cheating enjoyer, i can confirm
i think you are targeting persons. you dont have any proof mention the channel and let us see that the solutions above given by you mentioned as youtube solutions are yours or channels, i think you must share the channel what is stopping you from sharing that, arent you a good guy?? we should make this a better place
Sharing such links is against the community, I guess. And i don't want other genuine users to be attracted to that. I think I am clear enough.
Also, the names mentioned, I have zero relation with any of them.
no i am not agreed with you why will wise people cheat and if they want to cheat then they will cheat by any means. i think you are being personal to these guys
I think, cheaters should be handed permanent ban. Why are the mods so complacent?
Possible, but what about problem D and E?
ok bro
dont' cry little boy you have history of plagiarism as it is visible on you profile
"if u know little about graphs u get to known that created graph[u].push_back(v) is standard approach " what is this you don't even know what that called .its just to create adjacency list it an't solving any problem lol. i bet you don't even know that lil boy LMAO!!
ON top of that u shitty guy has ranked in 1000's and suddenly u got a rank 200's LMAO, u have only one contest with rank in 500's( probably u have also cheated in that). Even u if u have'nt cheat how so improvement u don't even practice LMAO . growup lil shit dont cheat now on
shut up fucking retard, here you go, an igm now claims you of cheating so its not a newbie anymore.
nobody uses 20 letter variable names, your code's basic structure matches a lot of others, and funny how last contest you submitted D in python with long variable names before rewriting in c++ to escape plag. FUCk you.
damn you got an award for pissing off an igm too now delhiiboy_2.0 lmao
Thx for backing up orz
You are an incredibly lame cheater.
267048269 You have macros for vector, yet in your code, you still use the entire long-form repeatedly? Cheating used to be subtle before, this is full-blown brainlessness.
bro told me that he will score good rank on next contest to proof he is innocent damn it u got plag in this div 3 .... LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! bruh what a joke u are lmaoooooooo
clowns bickering... it's not necessary to waste your time on this
This is messed up!
Ch_Keshav_ is a known cheater from our university. Got Global Rank 15 in CC by cheating, tried to boast on LinkedIn and then blocked me when I commented his CF submissions.
Copies solutions from Type 7 Shady YouTube channel and changes language using ChatGPT to Rust/Py/Kotlin.
Some submissions 267071546 and 264019337, he shows his utter low IQ. Where he doesn't even change the variable names or the watermark of the original leaker. Have a few laughs.
keshav chaudhary realest red coder from our uni, grandmaster level fr /s What I've said before, cheaters need to step up their game to deplag. It's so blatant lmao.
Lol would love to see that linkedin post
Dude deleted the post, however, and blocked me. However, I'll post a screenshot here for the laughs.
Edit: ricky16x attached the images so there is no need for this comment.
yours were in 4k :)
no way i found the RTI guy in codeforces comments
Damn, bro. What the heck? First, look at your contest history, hell no homie
I was skipped for B, which I felt was trivial. If you go to the contest submissions, most cheated/leaked solutions for B were hacked and had a different code structure. My other contests I have very rarely got under 10k rank or have been able to solve more than 1/2 QnS.
Не в этом дело; ваши решения были пропущены A, B, C, что означает, что вы тоже жульничали, поэтому вы тоже «МОШЕННИК»
Even if one question is skipped, the entire contest is unrated and skipped. I received e-mail for B, which was flagged.
So it has been a really long debate proving myself I have defied all false claims against me, my final advice to all newbies and sharkss who get jealous of seeing people learn perform good, read some graph theory, number theory Dp and solve more problems instead of wasting others time by insulting uselessly. I believe If I can improve in 1 months time anybody can just keep confidence in yourself and practice nicely. If you need any help you can DM I will definitely help you but stop posting this useless crap. When you utilize your time learning you wont be involved in such useless shitposting.
Yeah, stop cheating retard. You bring shame to us Indians all.
267050839 & 267058266. You seem to change your templates and macros every 15minutes, or rather I'd say? Copy and Paste code from somewhere?
using different #includes instead of bits/stdc++.... hehehe srsly?? that's something to watch out for..!!
What improvement are you even talking about ? Seriously, solving 11 problems suddenly teach you DP, graphs, etc and prove the point that you can improve from 26k rank to 289.
All of a sudden , you put IIT Bombay as your college, trying to show that you are smart ?
You are a CHEAT , and you know it too .
No one will put DSU template all of a sudden for yesterday's problem D. You don't even have DSU template in A,C so it means you must have added it to avoid plag.
true, he recently added the IIT tag
LMFAO. This is the only reason they cheat btw. The JEE Mindset has still not left these people.
It could be possible that they are 3-4 friends and they solve together so the coding style is bit different and so the template.I have seen some people doing this , just to increase rating and it is sad .
Bro tbh I don't have time to even change my file in which I code, and literally comment out my previous code .... You have so much time that you code different questions in different file. you are doing harm to none but yourself. stop fooling youself bro and get good.
I don't know what editor you use, but I can't come up with a scenario where opening a new file takes longer than commenting out code for the previous problem. Both actions take something like 1 or 2 keyboard shortcuts.
bro, I use a very old pc and VSCode.. so it's tough for me to open another file then copy my template, so I just comment out and continue...
I've never coded two problems in the same file and I know many people that don't.
Trying to use this as grounds for accusations is just silly.
Good for you
-is-this-fft- cebolinha sorry for tagging, I have gone through the ID of all the accused and all of their submissions got skipped except this Doraemon guy : 267063219. Submitted 1st and 2nd in C++ then the rest 4 in Go. Clear case of cheating, isn't it?. He has done the same in past contests as well after getting plagiarised in a few.
Why are you tagging me... I'm not a moderator, coordinator or even author. I didn't even comment on the cheating, I'm just some guy who was curious about someone's workflow.
What specifically is tough? Ctrl+N is instantaneous for me. Is it the copying part that's slow?
Also I'm not your bro.
Sorry for using bro. I feel commenting out is fast for me, I have tried making new files for every problem but it just didn't work for me, copying the template is slow, especially in the div 4 contests where people submit solutions like really really fast.
-is-this-fft- you make different file for different question, why so?? i just delete code for previous problem , i thought everyone do the same.
Mr Sajal, just reminding you that in your Esteemed Google Interview, such cheating will not be allowed, the quicker you realize this the better it is for you.
Don't cheat brother :) you won't get a job just by ratings you need to have some skills too, so start training a lot and improve. If you gave the contest genuinely then you can achieve it again brother why are you so much upon proving yourself correct this clearly reflects your poor personality and mentality. I know you cheated. Stop lying and start training.
and here I thought that the problem D was sooooo easy and only I am not able to solve, I was really really demotivated after the contests.... I saw the editorial and then only was able to understand the problem, and people with literally less than 1000 ratings solved so easily.
Follow some genuine people,then you can guess if the problem was that easy or not
actually none of my friends gave the contest , so I was not able to compare with anyone ... Rather was dependent on the solved count ..
The problem rating must be 1300 around,it was big jump from C,a lot of my pupil friends couldn't do it,if it helps
There should be a way to find uids of these participants because i believe they can change their username, This will be a permanent record and if recruiters ever look this up then they will get screwed
Thanks man , you are doing all of us a favor.
You should put the link of the channel so that we can also cheat not only the cheaters. It's unfair right now.
Still haven't gotten the ratings for this contest.
Why are these always Indians, why can't they not cheat, they are ruining the competitive programming culture, they should know that such things might help in arranging an interview at top companies, but they will never be able to clear the interviews of these companies as they have spent more time copying solutions from some youtube channel than actually improving their skill level, Mike should immediately ban them, there is no second option.
As an Indian I apologize on behalf of them.
it's okay dude, we can't really do much about that, but there are many actual hardworking indians also like aryanc403, dominater, demoralizer etc
and as always maximum of them are Indians(actually everyone is Indian in that list). Plz don't do that guys. It is very shamefull act
See everyone whom you mentioned got ranks near to each other.They have truly copied.They just gang up but it is challenge for those who dont copy to defeat them even if they are copying we should solve more questions then them.
Its just an opinion ,cant codeforces use mobile no/college id's for authentication of users and then dont allow banned users to register again?
CodeCrusader036 This person is cheater, check his submission 267062440 267058120 267074436 .
love the ascii art in his submissions
My ex also cheated on me, I blocked her.
I looked at few random submissions and this persons code also seems similar for problems D 267039310, E 267048232 and possibly F 267043851? Not sure but the logic seems very similar.
Yeah, it would be copied. Any explanation, Mr. sesky_crocodile?
believe what you want i really had no idea about that YouTube channel. i have been practicing alot and d's logic seemed pretty intuitive to just add everything other than 1s and 0s, and multiply whatever 1 and 0 we get, while iterating over every two digit number possible since n-2 operations. f too was a good graph problem but if you watch colin galens graph theory set, there's something pretty similar. e i won't lie my brother did for me and I regret submitting it but please don't call me a cheater i rlly didn't go through that channel. im very sorry for taking help in e. also I changed variable names using chatgpt to make sure I understand these submissions when reviewing later, hence the big names. im sorry again and hope y'all understand.
Its hard to believe since the logic is incredibly similar to the submissions listed above. For example in D where you declare variable minResult of type int and store 1e18 in it (same as the plagiarized code). Besides every single operation in your code matches the code in the post (ofcourse with different variable names) and handling of edge cases is exactly the same as well.
Same goes for E and F
I dont know how many people are cheating or not??,,but the only thing is please dont cheat,,,from previous 4 contests my ratings are only decreasing even after solving 1 to 2 questions on my own,,and it really demotivates me ,,to continue my cp journey as a first year student...
same pain
same pain
These submissions deserve recognition: Problem F 267063219, E 267049962, D 267031678
greencoder must hang
More people with the copied submission: 267202667 of Problem E ->
267046662 by seisiroNagi 1000s of lines of comments and unused code
267049506 by MAMDOUH check this submission it's hilarious
267047386 by Psycho._. one more specialist with similar strategy
267069790 by Subhash123
267071557 by ._._._._____ (IIT tag!!) great variable names
267054914 by Saransh6772 (IIT + expert) 200th rank in the contest
267054003 by mad__king 204th rank by changing for loop to while loop
267043593 by pratyushkumar0308 208th rank with great use of abstraction (see the code it's hilarious)
267039947 by abhay__joshi__ (229th rank)
267045498 by deyvang (231st rank)
267045714 by harsh0615 (235th rank)
267042825 by _Yash_Kumar_ (another 200s rank)
it's shocking that so many of them have rank in 200s
Also, I observed a pattern that ones with ranks in 200s submitted Problem E before D. Maybe because problem E was leaked earlier or was easily found.
These are the ones I found by checking less than 40 random submission there might be 100s more.
look solutions in 200s with E submitted before D and you will find a lot more.
I request Platform Creator MikeMirzayanov, the author RedMachine-74 and coordinator Vladosiya to please look into this matter. I expect a thorough and strict check for plagiarism regarding the mentioned solution. A few weeks' ban can be imposed for those caught with plagiarism, especially if it happens multiple times.
Some removed university name from their profiles lol
._._._._____ had IIT Patna (your teammates still have the uni name you know)
Saransh6772 had IIT Kharagpur
I don't think these guys copied F ,its just a standard implementation for bridges in a undirected graph(i could be wrong tho).
Cheating is present everywhere in this world, what can we do ? It is rampant in each and every corner in India
They can only cheat to certain level and won't grow much(may be politicians grow a lot). Ignore and focus on getting better
We also haven't ruled out small scale cheating....
For these people, the decorum of codeforces is getting disturbed. The cheaters should get a permanent ban I would say.
heavenly_principles here is one more Hero look at His Submission Every single submission in every Contest with different Programming Language and Yet he/she has the audacity to write a blog yesterday on "how to became better on codeforces" when i pointed out he deleted the blog asap and he thinks he will get pass womp womp.
Reasons for cheating :- 1) In India cp is connected to getting high salary jobs so this is one of the reasons these guys resort to cheating if they couldn't do it by themselves. 2) A lot of these youtube/telegram channels have made this a business by selling solution to each user at a cheap price.
It has became common now,instead when you comment for it you get downvotes
The most disheartening aspect for me is that a significant number of the individuals cheating are from India. Additionally, the YouTube channel responsible for leaking the solutions is also operated by an Indian (YT Link was shared by someone in the comments). Such actions bring disrepute to the Indian community.
this person has also copied problem E from youtube guy line by line
offtopic: i am new to cf and want to understand how ratings work. my initial rating was 1300+ and after successfully solving 2 questions in round 955, my rating dipped to 1273. i am scratching my head.
TLDR: You have to have better performance than your current rating to have a positive rating delta.
When you registered on codeforces the default rating used to be 1400, then upon your performances the ratings are assessed and delta is given. Even in your first contest your performance was 965 which is way below Than the rating you had, so you had massive negative delta, Even now in prev contest you had a performance of 992 which also is below than your current rating. You have to outperform your current rating to have a positive delta.
awesome! understood.
Why no action taken against these idiots yet??
Their submissions are skipped now. Penalty will appear shortly ( This isn't leetcode or codechef :D)
actually codechef does a better job in this regards, because they mark the contest as "cheated in xyz" with a red mark i think codeforces should also introduce this
Because of these people, we suffer and do not receive good ratings... The Admin should also take strict actions against the code converters as well.
If anybody wants to volunteer in catching cheaters then you may join my discord server https://discord.gg/kKZhfAWKfE
Codeforces is taking blogs exposing cheaters seriously. Almost every cheater mentioned in these blogs gets banned. So we will publish a blog after every contest and others can help me in finding out these users by reporting them in the server. I'm basically trying to crowdsource it to make it sustainable.
Cheating Patrol.