Hi, i want to know about this website : https://projecteuler.net/archives. I have two question, first how can i learn euler graph anh his circuit ez anh fast. second is how to learn IOI when i'm in Asia. i need to know this please tell me that.
finally, i want to ask how solve this problems by c++ : https://projecteuler.net/problem=780.
thank you to answer my question!
if i have anything no well, you can sent to me , please don't dislike my blog.
please please bro help me i'm poor guys
anyone can answer my question please?
i think you need to try this blog : https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/100010 on other hand i think you need to try hard some hard problems on IMO first to repair IOI , because you give anh want to solve project euler , this is so very hard you don't need to do you need to do IOI problems, main road you choose is IOI not IMO.