Привет, Codeforces!
Осталась всего пара дней до 2025 года. Напоследок в этом году залечу с обновлением — надеюсь, оно окажется полезным.
Теперь в свой мэшап вы можете автоматически подбирать случайные задачи по ряду критериев и ограничений. Задачи берутся из архива, необычные задачи исключаются автоматически.
Итак, нажимайте ссылку "Добавить случайные задачи" под списком задач и переходите к форме добавления.
Здесь можно:
- исключить задачи, которые сдавали/пытались сдать/создали как авторы зарегистрированные на мэшап участники (чтобы задача была исключена, достаточно одного зарегистрированного участника, который её может знать),
- если мэшап находится в группе (например, это группа ваших тренировок), то исключить все задачи из других контестов этой группы,
- исключить задачи с подзадачами — такие задачи часто как-то связаны между собой или ссылаются друг на друга,
- просто указать список хэндлов или списков пользователей, для которых нужно убрать известные им задачи,
- и, наконец, самое хитрое: в поле "параметры задач" можно указать в специальном формате требования к добавляемым задачам.
Поле "параметры задач" описывает количество и свойства задач, которые нужно найти. По клику на знак вопроса появится следующий поясняющий текст.
Введите одну или несколько строк. Каждая строка задаёт требования для одной задачи. Строка должна начинаться с латинской буквы p
, после чего через пробел можно указать дополнительные параметры:
- Короткое название задачи (её букву в контесте);
- Требования к сложности задачи (например,
— отсутствие числа слева или справа от знака минус обозначает отсутствие соответствующей границы); - Теги (используйте
и укажите список тегов через запятую, например,tags:dp, binary search, brute force
) — будет выбрана задача, содержащая хотя бы один тег из списка. Названия тегов можно писать и на русском языке.
Примеры строк с требованиями:
— произвольная задача, буква в контесте будет назначена автоматически;"p F"
— произвольная задача, которой назначается букваF
;"p ratings:2000-2400"
— задача с уровнем сложности от 2000 до 2400, буква в контесте назначается автоматически;"p D ratings:-1200 tags:жадные алгоритмы,дп"
— задача с уровнем сложности не более 1200, имеющая тегжадные алгоритмы
(или оба), которой назначается букваD
При нажатии кнопки "Подобрать задачи" вам будет предложен список задач для добавления. Кнопку можно нажимать повторно для генерации другого списка. В этом списке вы можете отметить понравившиеся задачи и, наконец, добавить их в мэшап.
Обратите внимание, что рядом с кнопкой "Подобрать задачи" после нажатия на неё будет выведена дополнительная статистика, которая может помочь вам сориентироваться по рейтингам доступных задач в условиях заданных ограничений.
Надеюсь, теперь подбирать задачи для внутренних тренировок и соревнований станет проще.
Is there an option to exclude certain tags of problems too?
That will be great!
Also could we have a filter, to select problems by their letters and divisions. For example, generate a mashup of Div2 B's or just a
filter problems by letter
feature on the problemset page.This is a $$$legendary$$$ update!
oooooo yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah
this is a legendary,epic and unique update
Nice update!!!!
много текста лень читать
good update!!!!!!!!!!
Звучит круто, думаю действительно это облегчит подборку задач. С наступающим всех!
super update
great news!!
great news!!!!
What type of problems are deemed "unusual"?
Something like April Fools contests or Kotlin Heroes probably.
A very cool New Year's update
This is a common/unusual/rare/epic/legendary/mythic/ultra/super/unique update.
Cool update!
is there a way to filter old problems? i think this is very important
second this @Mike, old problem styles are very different. Maybe a filter for the contest number/problem-id should do the trick:
p contest_id>=1542
Thanks. We've implemented the "exclude problems created before" option.
Thanks! How to use it? Like what's the keyword, an example would be great!
Edit: My bad, Got it.
superb update
The best update ever!
this is rare,epic ultra super update
I no longer need a discord bot to give me training problems, great news
Awesome Feature, The problem requirement field is great now!
Can you add multiple random problems at the same time?
codeforce is the best site. Happy New Year
Where can we access this update
Woah, Love this platform!
love it !! this will be very useful
Really Good Feature for practicing, eagerly waiting for using this.
Can we exclude some certain contest problems like div3, div4 ? Because they are overrated mostly.
Bro just killed my CLI Tool. Seriously though, this is a better solution GG!
Nice addition to codeforces!
Amazing feature!
Meanwhile, I feel like a clown because I coded the same thing 2 days ago.
best feature till date
this is a mythic TOURIST update!
Request for a filter of "exclude problems solved by users:". MikeMirzayanov
А будет ли когда-нибудь тёмная тема?
уже пора смириться, что ни тёмной темы, ни апдейта фронта, ни даже новых иконок не будет никогда
where we can access this feature? like which section on the website?
I guess it will be launched on New Year.
Edit: I am sorry, it is present in Mashup section.
This feature is only for mushup, you can access it through:
GYM -> MUSHUP -> create a new mushup -> click the "Add random problems" under the problem list
(seems unfriendly for those who are unfamiliar with MUSHUP? (Including me))
I think this is the right place but I still don't see it. What am I missing?
Found the solution: https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/137946?#comment-1233812
Need to hit "Create Mashup Contest"
I thought we add the problems first and then create contest.
Request for a filter of "problems between date X and Y"
I think having some kind of filters on:
Might be a good idea because old problems aren't targeted by a lot of people also sometimes people don't wanna ruin gyms, or target their practice on div.2/1 problems
I made a list of users to exclude their solved problems, including myself, There is 4 problems of 7 I solved before
I solved these problems in the problem set not private contest :(
Mashup id : 576921 There is Two problems not in mashup Becaues I ignore problem at first ( 1742E "Scuza" , 1926C "Vlad and ...")
I made a list of users to exclude their solved problems , including my Handle , There is 2 solved problems by me of 5 problems
I solved these problems in the problem set not private contest :( Mash id : 576921
So..Is this a problem or I made something wrong ? I put name of user List
Can someone please tell me how do I get this page? I am having difficulty finding it.
GYM -> MUSHUP -> create a new mushup -> click the "Add random problems" under the problem list
i still can't see can you attach a ss
me too
Step 1:- Open Codeforces
Step 2:- Click on GYM on top.
Step 3:- Click on MASHUPS.
Step 4:- Click on Create new mashup
Step 5:- Write Name of your Mashup and Duration. I gave Name as Hi and duration 30 min.
Step 6:- Scroll down and Click on Create Mashup Contest.
Step 7:- Click on Add random problems.
Finally, here you goo...
i don't have the "create a new mashup" button
take part in contest's, then you will
very good!
Is there a way to hide the tags of randomly selected problems to avoid spoilers?
nice update :) , just yesterday I was hoping we had something like this!!
I think an option could be added so that those problems selected by the user could be sorted chronologically.
Thank you so much! Will there be an api for random problem under certain restrictions?
Cool Update!
can there be a feature to hide the tags when searching for random problems?
hmnnn this is maybe sounds unrelated but would you also consider the deflation of the rating ? i mean like 2018's 1600-ish rated problem is way easier than the 2022/2023
This is awsome new year present by codeforces. Thanx codeforces team!!
Maybe add option for Excluding problems from $$$Div$$$ $$$\ge$$$ $$$X$$$ , because div3-div4 problems are inflated
A great improvement!
It's really good, but I have to add it one by one again. It would be really awesome if there is a number that is how many the problems would be chosen so that we can find and add them add the same time instead of find problems too many times. Hopefully it's for next year though. Looking forward to new Year :)
yay i love it!
This update is fantastic! The ability to add random problems with customisable filters, like excluding familiar ones or setting specific requirements, makes mashup creation much more efficient. A great way to keep training sessions fresh and challenging!
Please also make it easier to filter div1 problems. Maybe it could be a problem tag? It would be a really amazing feature for the problemset page.
Currently, even trying to do this manually using the API seems to require multiple API calls and non-trivial logic. I've tried those ideas at some point. Are there any better ways?
Fetch problemset and contest list, match each problemset problem to a contest and then parse the contest name and see if it contains
Div. 1
orglobal round
orgood bye
or ...Fetch the rating changes of top ~30 people and assume that at least one of them has participated in every div1 contest. So the union of contest ids from their rating changes is close to a complete list of div1 contests
This is a really useful update!
This might sounds unrelated, but what about the rating deflation ?. I mean like problem with rating 1600 in 2019-ish is way easier ( at least for me ) than 2024's one
Luogu also has this function. It's really useful. Codeforces is being better and better :)
How can I exclude interactive problem?
I've attempted to do a similar version to this earlier as a small go-lang learning project here.
While implementing this, I encountered the following limitations:
MikeMirzayanov, could you please touch on these aspects and clarify if the new tool simply resolves those limitations?
— I hope you'll find it useful.
Definitely do !
Update dark theme pls sir<3
Thanks for the update!
Happy New Year!
this is legendary update and promotion
Nice update!!
Happy new year
please unblock my codeforces account "mohitydaviitb".
how do we open this can anyone explain me? please
happy new year
А что делать,если я хочу добавить задачу 409H,но она добавляется без её главной фишки?
Это уже проблема самих мешапов, что задачи сдаются на всех языках. Как это поменять — хз
А можно добавить задачу из Div3/edu раунда?
Maybe you can add a link to here from the "Add Random Problems" page?
Easy way to reference documentation when you need it.