dorasainath955's blog

By dorasainath955, history, 5 weeks ago, In English



make the row and column sums to be equal to zero in other words let $$$x=0$$$ then construct the matrix
  1. Create two vectors call them as "row_sums" and "col_sums".
    $$$RowSums[i]$$$ corresponds to sum of all elements in $$$row_{i}$$$
    Same goes for col_sums

given $$$A = n\times m$$$ matrix, where it's always the case that $$$A_{1, 1}=0$$$(one based index), here we have 2 options to go to from $$$A_{1,1}$$$

  • Go right
  • Go down


Going right indirectly means that $$$A_{i, 1} $$$ where $$$i \in [2, n]$$$ for all $$$i$$$ are never went missing these values are unchanged, find column-1 sum then replace $$$A_{1,1}=0$$$ with $$$A_{1,1}=-\sum_{i=1}^{n}{A_{i, 1}}$$$ since $$$A_{1, 1}=0$$$ we can take summation without having to worry about subtracting $$$A_{1,1}$$$ from the column sum
Then update the col_sums and row_sums array. col_sums[1] += $$$A_{1,1}$$$ and row_sums[1] += $$$A_{1,1}$$$
Update the position of the current indexes based on the next character value that comes from string s. if next character is D then increase the row index by 1. if next character is R update column index by 1.


Going Down indirectly means that $$$A_{1, j} $$$ where $$$j \in [2, m]$$$ for all $$$j$$$ are never went missing these values are unchanged, find row-1 sum then replace $$$A_{1,1}=0$$$ with $$$A_{1,1}=-\sum_{j=1}^{m}{A_{1, j}}$$$ since $$$A_{1, 1}=0$$$ we can take summation without having to worry about subtracting $$$A_{1,1}$$$ from the row sum
Then update the col_sums and row_sums array. col_sums[1] += $$$A_{1,1}$$$ and row_sums[1] += $$$A_{1,1}$$$
Update the position of the current indexes based on the next character value that comes from string s. if next character is D then increase the row index by 1. if next character is R update column index by 1.

Repeat the process for all missing values

In the code I've Linked i used pair<int, int>current_pos, current_pos.first to track current row positon and current_pos.second to track current column position.
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5 weeks ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Its an integer overflow error since you are using int instead of ll in many places. I just added '#define int long long' in your code and changed 'int main()' to 'signed main()' then it is getting accepted.

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    5 weeks ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    But why would an integer overflow would occur, at most n=m=1000 integer can handle it i used long long to initiliaze the matrix even thought it's not needed as the values in the matrix are of range $$$-10^6$$$
    to $$$10^6$$$ so it should be fine.
    The elements in col_sums or row_sums at most values can be in order of $$$1000.10^6 = 10^9$$$
    $$$10^9$$$ takes 30 bits. $$$-1000.10^{6} = -10^{9}$$$ which would take 31 bits. I don't see why an integer overflow would occur?
    Edit: How did you know it was integer overflow that was causing the issue?

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      5 weeks ago, # ^ |
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      I literally got wrong answer on pretest 4 in contest because of this issue, but I unknowingly changed int to long long and it worked. I was also thinking why 1e3 * 1e6 would exceed integer limit.

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        5 weeks ago, # ^ |
        Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +4 Vote: I do not like it

        Very good questions indeed my friends. Here is a test case which can cause integer overflow in both of your submissions:

        Test Case:{ n=1000,m=1000 All elements of matrix are 1e6, except for the elements in first row and last column where all elements are 0. } Firstly, problem with submission of dorasainath955:

        While moving from cell (0,0) to cell (0,1e3), we can see that every element will we reassigned from 0 to -999*1e6, so when we reach the rightmost cell, the int row_sum variable which you are using will have a value equal to around 999*(-999*1e6) which exceeds the limit of int hence the overflow.

        Most of your variables are correctly ll but the ones which involve sum like row_sum, col_sum etc. are int hence overflowing, change them to ll and your solution will pass then you wont need to use '#define int long long'.

        Now, problem with TCS_Bhediya may be similar in his first submission as he is using int almost everywhere all of which corrected by using '#define int long long'.

        Happy to help you all. Happy Coding :)

        EDIT: How I knew Overflow was the issue: 1.The constraints were over the charts in this one. 2.There was a time when 9/10 times the problem in my code was Integer Overflow(insert me crying emoji)

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          5 weeks ago, # ^ |
            Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

          Feel free to ask anything you don't understand anything in my explanation :)