Последние месяцы команда Codeforces с тревогой наблюдала за сильной инфляцией рейтинга, вызванной и притоком новых пользователей и несовершенством формул подсчета.
Со временем это привело к значительным перекосам в цветах и званиях. Например, стать красным в 2015-м году стало значительно проще, чем в 2013-м.
Проведя опрос о том как именно следует внедрить смену цветовой шкалы, мы решили не затягивать нововведения и рады анонсировать обновленные цвета и звания!
Коротко основные изменения: новый цвет: сине-зеленый или циан — как и ожидается из названия этот цвет займет своё место между зеленым и синим, теперь участники второго дивизиона будут лучше дифференцированны; сдвиг всех цветов вверх по шкале рейтинга — смотрите таблицу ниже, достигать вершин станет сложнее; легендарный гроссмейстер — новое звание и раскраска для тех, кто достиг заоблачного рейтинга 2900.
Холодные цвета серый, зеленый, сине-зеленый и синий всё еще соответствуют второму дивизиону, а остальные — первому.
Требования к тренерскому доступу остались неизменными — вам необходимо иметь 2200 или 1900 и богатую историю участий, чтобы стать тренером. Теги к задачам и создавать группы могут ставить участники из первого дивизиона.
Таблица ниже иллюстрирует новые значения границ цветов и званий
Границы рейтина | Цвет | Звание | Дивизион | Кол-во | Кол-во (цвет) |
2900+ | Красный | Легендарный гроссмейстер | 1 | 4 | 183 |
2600 — 2899 | Красный | Международный гроссмейстер | 1 | 46 | |
2400 — 2599 | Красный | Гроссмейстер | 1 | 133 | |
2300 — 2399 | Оранжевый | Международный мастер | 1 | 163 | 380 |
2200 — 2299 | Оранжевый | Мастер | 1 | 217 | |
1900 — 2199 | Фиолетовый | Кандидат в мастера | 1 | 1253 | 1253 |
1600 — 1899 | Синий | Эксперт | 2 | 5095 | 5095 |
1400 — 1599 | Сине-зеленый | Специалист | 2 | 8202 | 8202 |
1200 — 1399 | Зеленый | Ученик | 2 | 5736 | 5736 |
0 — 1199 | Серый | Новичок | 2 | 2319 | 2319 |
По состоянию на 1-е октября 2015-го года, учитываются только активные пользователи (кто принимал участие в последние полгода).
О том как изменятся формулы рейтинга (да, они будут открытыми!) я напишу в ближайшее время.
Just me who wants to drop his rating to 1400-1599 to feel the new color "Cyan"?
an amazing feeling :D
you mean really ;-)
I thought my eyes were broken, till i saw this topic.
range of expert should decrease , that means ( 1600 — 1800 )
No :(
why ?
haha yeah same :)
... dammit i don't have to drop my rating to get to cyan
its been 8 years and u r still cyan
stop necroposting, he is not even active
my bad i didnt know that
But you never did that
серьезно так див1 порезали. примерно половина зареганных на див1 раунды имела рейтинг 1700-1899:)
Это точно. В первый диф же больше тысячи не наберется сейчас.
Это вообще все участники Div1. В Div2 21352 участников, а в Div2 раундах в 4 раза меньше участвуют
Я думаю, больше 500 с трудом теперь будет. Количество див1 юзеров порезали примерно в 2-3 раза.
А мне по приколу. Впервые за 4 года напишу див2 официально. Это же не просто стимул, это стимулище)
прозреваю div2-раунды по 7к человек и упавшие сервера, когда все эти 7к ломанутся сдавать div2 A-B (особенно если это будут задачи с долго работающими решениями)
Посмотрел на свой цвет, думал что перебрал с травкой :)
Лучше бы исправили постоянные падения сервера по поводу и без.
Excited!The color of my name is from Orange to Violet!
Hello div 2 :)
Hello div 2 :)..Too..
I like mengmengda cyan!
What is mengmengda? Cute ?
I think you are right.
I love it too but I love div 1 too
Hello too !
You are welcome
Оранжевых стало очень мало, полоса всего в 200 рейтинга, тогда как у фиолетовых и синих — 300 рейтинга.
Сейчас оранжевых и фиолетовых 380 и 1255 штук, может, сделать границу в 2100? Тогда
я стану оранжевымбудет 635 и 1000 штук соответственно.Can you show us the number of users in each title?
I think that can explain why we have only 100 rating difference between max/min Master / International Master but 200 or 300 for others.
You can go to cf/ratings and see that You're wrong
I think rating bounds is not perfect . Perfect rating bounds formula is 1200 +200*i where 0<=i<=8 . Like
2800+ — LG
2600+ — IG
2400+ — G
2200+ — IM
2000+ — M
1800+ — CM
1600+ — EX
1400+ — SP
1200+ — P
This will be the perfect rating bounds.
And I agree with you
so, total div-1 contestants only 1824 !!!!! :O
Does the list include all the inactive users as well?Or only the active users?
I think the list only include the active users.
I'm proud to be one of those 256 coders :-)
Верните мне мой желтый
Все экс-оранжевые щас в такой ситуации, что вернуть цвет — это по сути стать красным по старой системе (рейтинг 2200) :)
Зато ощущения от просто нахождения в Div1 такие же, как год назад :Р
I was hoping to participate in my first Div 1 contest tomorrow :(
Same here... Well, hope it'll be not that long to reach div1 again :3
Same here...
I was hoping to a purple one in Div 2 contest tomorrow T_T
How did you find the cat in your icon? This cat is called snuke.
ftiasch used it as her QQ avatar. I adore her so I use it as my avatar too!
That is Sakamoto from Nichijou!
Me too........
What a sad story ……
tourist will be like "mah, it's kids' stuff, I thought I'd have something more challenging."
Well,the new color cyan is great!
с межмастера до кандидата :O
Wow, I'm a blue, thanks to this revoluton! :D
You are not blue , You are Cyan
mistake : "... an rich history of ..." a rich is correct.
Why not change a little earlier? The contest this Monday is only for div.2, and it's started at 17:00 in China, it's a good time but I can't resiger the contest then. And now I have to play a div.2 contest again.
Надо было месяца за два предупредить...
У меня чет подгорело((
Так вот оно что, тебе просто мотивации для прокачки не хватало :)
Я разделяю твою боль.
Синие да зеленые повылазили — 3.
А еще сине-зеленые повылазили :D
That dark red color in tourist 's profile resembles blood.
That is some awesome color.
Теперь из div2 совсем сложно выбраться
мой граф рейтинга ничтожен :|
Ты хотя бы в Div1
if a user have username that composed of only one Character and this user is Legendary Grandmaster , what color this user name?
he becomes Headquarters like MikeMirzayanov
He becomes Headquarters?????
Lol, I don't know what to say. But saying that a person becomes "headquarters" is basically R.I.P English. :)
yeah i know the meaning,, well, it's just a joke, bad joke after all. I said that because "Headquarters" word is located on the same place with "Experts, Newbie, Master, Grandmaster" etc.
I bet there is no handle of only one-character and won't be in future too.
And thus i die with my hopes for reaching div 1 . :3
I think it is more important to have a revolution of problem difficult,there are tooooooooooooooo little hard problems.
I think codeforces should try to set hard problems without offical solution only correct input and correct output is enough. you can also set some stronger version of old Div I E problem, maybe there will be no correct solution for a long time,but it is more changllegable and interesting.
in a word ,codeforces should try to increasing the algorithm scientific research part and reduce the algorithm competetive part (PK hand speed is non sense and boring)
People already feel depressed after recent changes, and now you are making it worse by that "CF problems are soooo easy" stuff :) That's cruel :)
I have mentioned codeforces can develop three kind of Divisons: Div 1 for incane hard scientific research problems,Div 2 and 3 are for hand speed matches. The people who want to run a regular codeforces matches can go to Div 2 and 3 algorithm research part don't influence the regular match part..
I think the high rating contestant should also have some challege problems to solve rather than solving water problems...
I don't understand, for scientific research problem's solutions, they need to be verified and released to public, no machine or single person can verify the correctness of those solutions. Your suggestion doesn't make any sense.
is it possible to change "cyan" color to any other color?
Is there any other level between pupil(green) and expert(blue)? Read the logic given in the blog :)
Hello div 2 All the div 2s Let's give negetive votes to this article
I became yellow in TC due to a bad performance on the last SRM a few days ago. Then I became yellow in CF because of the revolt of colors sad :(
Well, congratulations on getting red back after just one round!
Судя по полосе рейтинга tourist ему вообще нужно отдельное звание.
Напомнило, как некоторые отрицательные персонажи фильмов/книг грозятся не просто уничтожить противника, а стереть из истории.
P.S. Теперь можешь сказать: "то чувство, когда понимаешь что значит быть стертым из истории" :)
i think cyan is cool :)
tqveni deda sheveci mee ttqveee yleeebo ra qenit egi?
I think reducing div1 participants will make less hack on div1, more on div2. I think it'll lead to change how participants handle hack.
I guess that's why hacks are divided by rooms, right?
Not meaning that. It is about scoring.
Nice new titles =) so I think Petr should consider changing his handle to something like P to become a Headquarters right? :P
Надо полагать, как div1, так и div2 раунды несколько посложнеют, особенное первые задачи div1 и последние задачи div2.
Я не уверен, что это потребуется. Раньше, чтобы выйти в первый дивизион не надо было уметь решать D-E во втором. Уверен, что для большинства вернувшихся во второй дивизион задачи такого уровня будут иметь смысл. Конечно, A-B может будут простоваты, но теперь будет необходимо решать и задачи посложнее.
В сдвоенных же раундах обычно задачи A-B первого дивизиона зачастую вполне содержательны, и при сохранении их уровня (посмотрите статистику) далеко не все участники Div 1 (даже новый состав) будут их на ура закрывать.
Неделя шуток про цвета и дивизионы объявляется открытой!
посмотрел на свой синий и чет приуныл(
Now i will never reach in div1.. :P Anyway. Thank you for the motivation. Nice changes!
according to the text rating formula also changed.
Ура! Мы, 1700-1899, станем более чаще участвовать!
Более чаще? Дмитрий, Вы случайно с Кличко не знакомы?
Это мем такой :)
"Овощи, рожь и вот это все" вам о чем-нибудь говорит?
Как не процитировать великого классика?
No more Red in 1 year blogs :)
По-моему, первая черная буква у "легендарных" не очень смотрится. Как-то бы иначе выделить...
Какой-то инвертированный Яндекс получился. Тоже не очень нравится.
What will be starting score of unrated users?
1400 would be decent.
На уровень задач как это повлияет? Мало ли, будут давать уровня B и C вместо A и B в первом дивизионе
Теперь бывшие желтые вряд ли будут готовить раунд для Div1+Div2, им будет стыдно) И к тому же в Div2 участников в 20 раз больше, Div1 раунд теперь вообще раз в месяц будет?
Кто подбирал цвета?? Лучше цвета попугаичьего поноса ничего не нашлось?(((((((((
Еще один стимул иметь рейтинг выше =)
До следующей революции?
Бороться с инфляцией переодической деноминацией вроде глупо, не? Есть же другие способы, рассматривались ли они?
После каждого Div2 раунда, который не уравновешивается Div1 раундом (из которого можно вылететь), в первый дивизон проходит, по-моему, сотня участников безвовратных потерь баланса. Через пару лет может потребоваться вообще третья деноминация
Ну так часть Div2 теряет рейтинг. +были предложены системы аля теннисная, когда за участие, ты можешь только получать баллы, но не терять, а в зачет идут N лучших за год.
Range of Expert (1600-1899) and Candidate Master (1900-2199) seems very high. And range of master (2200-2299) and International Master (2300-2400) seems lower. This should be adjusted. Everything else is good. :)
Range of master is (2000 — 2299) not ( 200 — 2299) , Right???
that was a mistake. edited ! thanks. :)
That's the whole point, To make it more challenging to get out of Candidates into Masters.
Был какой-то серьёзный опрос, у всех разные веса голосов, инфляция рейтинга, все дела... А как только ввели новую систему -- все умиляются циану. Обожаю это место
Можно еще котиков добавить:
Does anyone else think that the title 'International Master' is unnecessary at this point? Instead, the colour orange should correspond to one title only — that is 'Master'.
Когда я увидел цвет для легендарного гроссмейстера (Красный), я долго думал, что это опечатка.
Пока не посмотрел на лидера по вкладу – Petr.
I'm far away from Div.1... But I think you are right!Come on!I support you!
What about someone with rating less than 0?(remember worse?)
Since MSK time changed, I had to take part in virtual contests. Hope for more contest start at different time and higher rating.
Oppppssss!!!Hoped to become candidate master after next few contests.But alas!!!Now i'm almost 300 points behind :( :( :(
Such a close shave!! I was almost cyan, phew!
i just can say i love cyan too
Didn't want this day to come again but anyway sighs hello Div 2 T.T
Being 2900+ has never been this delicious before
Challenge accepted
now you can use "Magic" to be Legendary grandmaster and look like real nutella
I'm Blue Da Ba Dee Da Ba Die
I should sing it for several months now :(
At least you got a taste of div1, unlike me.....
Div 1 is not a fun place to be when you are around 1700 rating.
Ex-yellow and more than half the purple coders are now blue. Even div 2 contests are not going to be "fun" anymore. Now people can say 'I am in div 1' with the same pride they used to say 'I am red' . Tough life,
"Not fun" as in: Having only half as many rated events and in the events you get to attend you often aren't able to even solve the easiest problem.
I think now problems will be harder in div 2. I am not sure whether I should be excited to compete with coders much better than me, or be very scared of going to cyan.
Not at all, people who can solve all problems in the current div 2 reliably are already above 2200 rating so no need to change anything. Div 2 only rounds might need to get harder but that's it.
agreed. I wish this change had taken place when I was around 1700.
I can't see other contestants' solutions in practice mode. Only the submissions during contests are visible. Please change it back to the way it used to be. :)
People whose rating more than 2900 are really outstanding, I think the color of rainbow would be better!
Косят под TopCoder)
О, открытый рейтинг, ждем-с...
What about rounds' difficulties?! .. for example .. will No. of problems in Div#2 rounds be increased to handle 1700-1900 rated users?!
There was a huge problem with people rated 1700-1900 not solving any problems at all in div 1 and thus not counting for the ratings so I think that it will be fine.
Зашёл на Codeforces — попал в ад дальтоника. Спасибо, революция цветов и званий!
Won't new formulas be applied to old contests?
I think there should be a title for rating 3300+ named "Tourist"
'Legendary Grandmaster' I thought Barney Stinson hacked Codeforces, lol.
Now we have "Tourist" for 4000+ :)
I've made userscript, which adds plot of rating changes in any profile page, as it was before revolution. Instructions, how to install it are here.
Мы тут вот какую багу нашли. Помните те самые фейковые акки, которые регистрировались исключительно для того, чтобы поиграть во втором дивизионе? Спешу всех обрадовать: все эти акки снова во втором дивизионе :)
Вторая октябрьская социалистическая революция цветов и званий
второй раз шутан зашел?
Извиняюсь, очень спать хотел. Зачем я полез на КФ — не знаю. Будем считать, что это зомби вместо меня набрал текст на клавиатуре и его отослал)
I used to feel sorry all the time for not being violet. Now I guess I don't need to be...
Will come in few other years and realize I am div2...
I fear low participation for division 1 contests... Otherwise good changes
Will the contests difficulty stay the same, or will some changes be applied? Many stable Div1 participants are back to Div 2, that's why I'm asking.
Думал, можно ещё следующий раунд слить и остаться красным, а тут...
Какими маленькими выглядят оранжевые полоски в рейтинге tourist)
I liked very much those changes for a few reasons.
I'd only merge International Master and Master Titles as many here have already suggested. But great revolution overall.
I'm excited about the upcoming contest and it's rating changes.
I was pretty happy to reach div1 last round and looking forward to get rid of A and B difficulty problems. They are really boring for me and i gain nothing by solving them. As it stands now i am going to be fed up with them for a long time again. This change is discouraging me from competing quite a lot.
Fun fact: Partially colorblind people (10% of males, including myself) cannot distinguish cyan from grey
Happily CF uses CSS classes of "user-cyan" and "legendary-user-first-letter", so it only takes a custom stylesheet to make handle colours useful again.
strange things will happen now ! sth like Candidate Master to Grandmaster in one contest would be much easier
I should admit that i was expecting some changes
it seems div2 contests will be harshly crowded , and i also believe there is big range difference ( even not comparing to div1 )
introducing div3 will be a necessity one or two years later due to big diffrences and large number of participants , but for our current situation ? I'm not sure. I believe changing expert to [1600,1800] will add a little balance and of course more temptation to div1 contests.
well actually I think that Div2 is now more "Who codes faster" round. which makes it hard for the people who think alot before coding to go up
Just managed to got master. Ups, candidate master.
Мне кажется, что было бы уместно разбить синий и фиолетовый еще на два цвета каждый, чтобы сделать их более "соревновательными". В противном случае многие участники могут навечно увязнуть в одном цвете=)
Earlier today I told some competitive programmers of my university, who are struggling to perform decently here at codeforces, that they will surely reach Div. 1 before the end of this calendar year if they work hard enough. Now I'm not sure whether I myself will reach Div. 1 within that time frame. Weird situation. :p
Why are blue coders called "experts"? :p Isn't that a devaluation of the word 'expert' ?
wake me up when september ends — MikeMirzayanov
С моей точки зрения, будет лучше поставить легендарным черный задний фон. Будет смотреться очень здорово)
Турист цвета Мирзаянова?
Constant Div.1 users will be back violet in the next few contests, because even though the colors changed the difficulty of Div.2 contests will remain the same. Am I right?
Rating is relative to other contestants so there shouldn't be a big change. What will happen is that you will have to do better in div2 contests now than before to get into div1.
"I will write about the changes in the rating formulas as soon as possible, And yes, the formulas will be open!" -> soon >= 24 hours
Cyan is cool when you are may be red or may be something good... Feels like I am almost a newbie :( ..... The Gap lengthens !!
If I were optimistic I would have had felt I have more challenges ... But I don't know , I were already sad with my performance.. :(
Nevertheless, there are harsh times in everyone's life :P
Ohhh irony :( No red from Bangladesh and India now :(
I think the some users' colors are wrong. Example: FreezingCool
Why we have the same points but different colours? It's discrimination! :D
I'm kinda sad that the CSS pseudo element ::first-letter wasn't used to implement the "nutella color" for Legendary master :(
Because of issue of Chromuim/Webkit: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=17528
Oh, ok, makes sense :)
Awesome! I suggested something similar here, but the current table is better. It makes sense:
Div2 has long needed a new color. It was less fun for beginners when green represented a 300-point range.
The number of users per color is more equitable, increasing the information content of seeing a user's color; the black letter is a nice touch.
Div1, while less populated, represented a much bigger range in ratings than Div2. As a result, it was hard to make a good contest covering the spectrum: purple users would barely solve A, while IGMs would experience a sort of speed rush. Div1 might have fewer rated contests now, but that's fine; you can do div2 unrated, and look forward to higher challenges in div1.
Psychologically, 1900 is a good boundary line. 2000 looks intimidating, almost unreachable, if you've always been in the 1000's. Likewise with 2900 at the top, though it's less important there.
The one flaw is that two of the ranges span only 100 points, which seems silly. Still, I can see some justification for it: 2200 is a meaningful number to TopCoder members, 2200/2300/2400 roughly correspond to M/IM/GM in chess, and the two ranks do share a color. It seems Codeforces now sees E-to-CM and CM-to-M as the major milestones.
I look forward to seeing the new rating calculations! I hope the CF team looks at site statistics in detail to figure out how to control rating inflation, as well as phenomena such as div1 users gaining points from mixed-div contests (on TopCoder, I think mixed-div is actually bad for div1 users because they use a normal instead of logistic model). I also think the length and difficulty of a contest must be taken into account: contestants are more likely to perform at their true level (i.e. at lower variance) if (a) the contest is long, and (b) the contest is at their level, not too easy nor too hard.
Now that I think about it some more, I suspect the orange range was shortened as a provision to allow for just a tad more inflation, after the new rating formula converges once and for all. Perhaps IM, GM, IGM and LGM will move up to 2400, 2600, 2900 and 3200 respectively, without hurting our novice members. That would make a perfect spread. Note that higher colors would span monotonically wider ranges, which makes sense since they are less populated: 200 pts each up to cyan, then 300 pts for blue and purple, 400 pts for orange, and 600 pts for normal red.
Океания воюет с Остазией: Океания всегда воевала с Остазией. Большая часть всей политической литературы последних пяти лет устарела. Всякого рода сообщения и документы, книги, газеты, брошюры, фильмы, фонограммы, фотографии -- все это следовало молниеносно уточнить.
Красный цвет начинается с 2400: красный цвет всегда начинался с 2400. Я никогда не был гроссмейстером. Большая часть блогов последних чеырёх лет устарела. Всякого рода комментарии, посты, статьи -- всё это следует молниеносно уточнить.
I think, that many of problems mentioned here will be solved after several rounds, because maybe many people will move to div1 due to rating formula change (even though we don't know exactly what is it like now). Even without significant change -- don't you remember div1+2 rounds, when you could gain a huge rating boost? That's what can happen in current new div2 rounds. Another observation: before this moment the one, who won his first div2 round, got like 1750-1800 points and moved to div1. If the property (win the first round -- move to div1) will be preserved, it possibly means, that rating changes can be bigger now %)
После первой революции я скатился из красных в оранжевые.
После второй революции я скатился из красных в оранжевые.
Значит ли это, что мой скилл никак не изменился за это время? :)
Так и думал :(
Хоть не упал, уже хорошо.
Почему я не могу лайкнуть этот комментарий дважды?
Don't forget to write "2900" besides the bottom line of the Legendary Master area.
Some people proposed that there be a Division 3. I think that would be a cool idea if, and only if, Codeforces wishes to expand its mission outside the usual competitive community. I mean the kid hackers and the average joes wanting to get better at their CS courses, technical job interviews, and programming jobs, who would be rated 800-1200 if they register on Codeforces.
Preparing creative problems is less of a concern at this level, since any simple problem can be an interesting challenge when you're relatively new to programming and algorithms. Instead, the purpose would be to provide an educational resource, and perhaps gently persuade this larger population that competitive programming is cool and worth a try. People often complain that our community (as well as CS in general) isn't diverse enough, or that math and competitions are scary; maybe we can do something about it. We could use some outsider perspectives to help us succeed in that regard.
Wait for a while. I am sure that not so far there will be a such thing. Just be patient.
Note that it's really hard for experienced competitors to comprehend what is a challenge for beginners, where lies the problem in understanding or coming up with some algorithm. I remember that when I was in midschool (~15 years) and was starting to learn C++, teacher gave us exercise to print given string backwards. I didn't have an idea how to do this and after some time of thought one guy shouted "I MINUS MINUS" and I immediately got what his idea is and thought that he is genius. At that time I was already a winner of countrywide math olympiad for midschool, so I wasn't that stupid I think and today I would say that stupid monkey should be able to print string backwards, but somehow I wasn't able to come up with an idea.
My point is that it is not good where gap of skills between teacher and student is big, because very experienced teacher may not be able to get why student is not getting something and that's why sometimes someone who is not that experienced can be a better techer. That's why average problemsetter is not able to come up with a suitable "Div 3 problem". I guess that even now more or less general rule is "if you have Div1E and Div1D on your mind then something not that silly should do the thing for Div1A-C and for Div2A-B just put first completely trivial thing which comes to your mind". Let beginners teach on sites for beginners, I think Codeforces should not become site for people which started their journey with programming yesterday and if that journey started at least one month ago then you are already eligible or Div2 contests.
Hey, not everyone learns so quickly that they can feasibly compete in one month! Most CS undergraduates and professional software engineers would struggle. I suppose you're right that we're unqualified to teach novices; not necessarily because we're too good, but because most of us have insufficient experience working with or teaching average-skilled coders in person. Some have no ambitions of winning national olympiads, but still benefit from the learning experience.
And then there's the separate issue of people who have the potential to achieve 1900+ but get turned off our community without giving it much chance. This is common in minority demographics who have less reason to feel like they belong. I don't know what should be done about this, but it's worth thinking about as we try to grow the community in a way that benefits more people. We are not the most qualified to answer these questions, and yet we may have something unique to offer using our expertise!
Спустя туеву хучу времени я снова пишу див.2 оффициально. Неплохо. Очень даже неплохо. Интересно посмотреть на то, как сложно теперь будет попасть в див.1.
Думаю, красные и желтые цвета быстро восстановят. Главное — какая будет формула? По старой системе: "фиолетовый"(1700) — ничего не решая оставался "фиолетовым", а "синий"(1699) решая 3 задачи оставался "синим"! Жду контеста — цвет не поменяю, но надеюсь на рост в рейтинге.
Мне кажется, как раз-таки красным и желтым восстановить цвета будет сложнее всех :)
That feeling when your friends color is not particularly changed, unlike you :(
Going to Div-1 will become harder but getting 1800+ rating will become easier.
Like topcoder and hackerrank, codeforces should also add Percentile to user's profile and anyone should be able to see the percentile by hovering the user's handle
Most div2 coders feel "discriminated against" as it is, and by having a stamp of just exactly how good/bad you are on your picture creates pointless inferior complexity. A color range is better in that matter. But with 300 point ranges, that seems a bit difficult for coders near the top of the range, who would've been in a higher division, let alone the same color of much worse coders. But the whole point of 300 point range is making sure that a leap from blue to purple doesn't mean you're some lucky guy who did well in one contest. Making that transition means you earned every bit of the right to be amongst div 1 . But this is just my opinion. :)
Had the experience of participating unofficially in an Div 2 only contest while being a Div2 contestant. Was not disappointed.
What does it mean to be a coach?
Интересно, что думает о революции okuzn? :) Кто в танке
I used to be a Candidate Master, div 1 would be registered when I gave the word/ Now in the morning I sweep alone, sweep the title I used to own/ One minute I held the key, next the walls was closed on me/ and I discovered that my rating stand up pillars of salt and pillars of sand
viva la vida——
In my opinion the range changes are a bit too aggressive. Being candidate master with my rating doesn't feel right. Maybe the shift should be more gradual maybe on several steps. Now many coders drop two levels. Why not do it in two steps several months apart? I realize overall rating increases and thus limits should adjust, I simply propose slightly friendlier way to do so.
I think it's better to be hurt once instead of twice :)
The rating system is also changed. Maybe the rating bounds are perfect for new rating system. Who can tell! Let's see how things go in today's contest.
Maybe it will be better if there is some title for those with rating 3550+ or 3600+ (unreached so far) so that the legendary grandmasters will have something to fight for :)
Now also propose a name for that title :D How about "Exclusive property of Tourist"
The table includes only "active users" who took part in a competition during the last 6 months. Will the API be changed to reflect that as well? Perhaps the API could include the time of last participation?
On a related note, on the user profile page, if a user participated for less than 12 months, the x-axis is missing the year, making it difficult to see when the participation occurred.
If the new rating calculation formula will be applied in today's contest. If yes, then will you publish the new formula before contest ???
Первый раз рейтинга за 70 пунктов до желтого я достиг в начале 2012 года. Я еще учился в школе, писал на Паскале и умел решать задачи на графы только используя матрицу смежности.
Прошло больше трех лет. Позади два финала ACM ICPC, два проведенных раунда на Codeforces, три поездки на Петрозаводские сборы и много соревнований и сборов поменьше. И вот внезапно я снова за 70 пунктов до желтого...
Престиж жёлтого цвета явно сильно вырос. А вот синего почти нет..
Теперь синие будут давать раунды еще чаще
Well, I'm feeling kind of empty ;-(. But alright, have to be purple again!
Мне кажется, надо относится к этому всему чуть спокойнее. Когда только придумали див2, его писали только серые и зеленые, а так же новички сайта. Спустя какое-то время в див2 добавили синих. Потом подняли планку рейтинга для синих и красных, а так же добавили фиолетовых и оранжевых. И каждый раз разговоры были примерно одними и теми же — вот, мол, сейчас див1 будут писать совсем мало людей, куда это годится и вообще. А при этом — ничего страшного не происходит. Объективно говоря, я знаю совсем мало людей из "новых синих", которые смогут стабильно решать задачи А-С див1. Если из этих людей взять тех, кто сможет хотя бы зацепиться за идеи задач D-E — совсем единицы. И, на мой взгляд — их рейтинг сейчас находится ниже того уровня, на котором должен находится. Отчасти по объективным, отчасти по субъективным параметрам. И для того, чтобы доказать принадлежность к участникам див — этим людям необходимо подтвердить свой высокий уровень. На мой взгляд, если ты не решаешь 2-3 задачи в див-1 — тебе нечего там делать. Даже если тогда в див2 придется добавлять фиолетовых.
I love this change which makes Codeforces more challenged and more funny.
hi, well i believe that these new changes in cf have done some illogical changes in the contsests for example todays contest ... there were 700 people participating div1 and 7000 people participating div2 i know its more challenging but i think it would be more rational that number of people in both divisions not differing more than 2000, so i think it would be better to let experts participating div1 ... (its only an idea maybe im wrong :) ) sorry for my bad english
hi, well i believe that these new changes in cf have done some illogical changes in the contsests for example todays contest ... there were 700 people participating div1 and 7000 people participating div2 i know its more challenging but i think it would be more rational that number of people in both divisions not differing more than 2000, so i think it would be better to let experts participating div1 ... (its only an idea maybe im wrong :) ) sorry for my bad english
I am curious to see the rating formula CF uses :D
I Like It, Nice Colors ^^
Some error with the color changes!
My rating changed to 1405, but it still shows Pupil. And also, I can't access the Contests Page on my profile and some other profiles too!
Update : P.S. I'm sorry, I don't know how to upload an image here in the comments :P
It's ok. Wait a bit.
I have really no problem waiting! :P Just thought I should inform about the bug! :)
The changes in color are really cool, and I think the announcement of rules should be changed... :D
Participated in yesterdays contest div 2 and solved Problem A — today i am Cyan lol ... dafuq?
Are you confused by the title "specialist" ? Don't worry there's nothing special about being specialist, its a misnomer, and a polite way of saying 'you suck' ;_; .
Before the revolution, every unrated coder used to start with rating 1500 and not 0, and unless its changed drastically now(I doubt that), that's the reason you're a specialist.
pls dont say that pls i beg ;_;
You start at 1500, about the Codeforces average. That's just how Elo ratings work. You might find yourself green in the next few matches but it's ok, you can work your way back up. It takes a respectable amount of skill even to be "average" here. Some of us train years. Welcome :)
Well, the changes are really cool! And I suggest to change some of the information in HELP, too.
I made the following observations after this round. They may not be very precise, but at least I hope this adds some flavour to the discussion.
You're making the assumption that the number of users will steadily grow. I don't think that's the case; competitive programmers number in the thousands and many have arrived during the recent surge, which means the increase in participants should slow down soon. Instead of 2-3 months for 50% increase in div1, I'd say more like half a year (as it was before).
I put this number so high because every Div 2 match held without a corresponding Div 1 match would increase the number of Div 1 members by roughly 3%, and I estimate there will be 4-5 matches like that.
I agree that's quite a bold guess and there are some uncertainties and assumptions, but let's come back to this in 3 months.
Oh, and I forgot about the new rating formula that apparently decreases the rating changes' steepness. Did you take that into account?
No, above is just empirical observation based on the number of people who were qualified / relegated. It seems extremely important that Div 2 competitions take place more frequently. Number of relegated members (28) clearly was much lower than those promoted (42). I'm not claiming it's statistically significant, just making a rough extrapolation (or a random guess if you wish) on reasonably short time range (3 months) based on single round results.
I was slightly disappointed by seeing just a rating change of 6 despite solving 2 problems, earlier it was usually higher. Seems like new rating formula is strict in increasing the rating. It might be slightly stringent in decreasing the rating too, so, it might be one of the reasons of the behaviour you pointed out. MikeMirzayanov was saying about making the rating formulas public. Let us see what are the changes !!
"Junior94 finished 279th and his rating changed by +2 from 1893 to 1895. He solved 3 easiest problems in 34 minutes.
I_lost_my_handle finished 316th and his rating changed by +6 from 1901 to 1907. He solved 2 problems in 116 minutes.
If we assume that performance of above contestants are similar then the following observation can be made — performance of (approximately) 30% bottom in Div 1 is worse then performance of 6% top in Div 2. So if you're in top 6%, but haven't qualified to Div 1 yet, don't worry, you're still better than 30% of Div 1 members." --__-- T_T ._.
These all are perfectly fine, what do you expect — that the worst member of Div1 will always beat best member of Div2? I will have you know that such notions as "probability", "variance", "statistics" exist. If you take some kind of competition, conduct first round and divide guys to better and worse half, conduct second round then for sure you will have some shuffle between those halfs and those numbers you presented seem really sane.
Moreover you made it look like what Junior did was significantly harder, but fact that in Div1 those problem were significantly harder makes it also perfectly fine. Junior solved Div2-ABC and i_lost_my_handle solved Div2-CD. And AB were probably significantly easier than CD.
Just trying to compare Div 1 and 2 in some emperical way, not trying to say that's statistically correct in any sense. If I wanted to make it statistically correct I would have spend more time and effort.
What Junior did is not significantly harder, but it's interesting to explore ways to compare Div 1 and 2. For fact, number of div 1 members will increase so will the ratio to Div 2 members.
The key point — short term prediction is that ratio of Div 1 members to Div 2 will increase very significantly.
После обновления рейтинга после последнего раунда, поменялось все, кроме самого цвета и звания. Мой рейтиг на сегодняшний момент 1902, но цвет остался синим
Я перестал уважать "не настоящих красных".
Мы будем стараться обратно заслужить твое уважение, дай нам только немного времени!
Еще и пока переключался на русский интерфейс для проверки, запостил в русский раздел...
Мне кажется, что закрался небольшой баг в английском интерфейсе профиля пользователя. В титуле "Legendary Grandmaster" слово "grandmaster" написано со строчной буквы, а в "International Grandmaster" — с заглавной.
Так и было задумано?
Too much Nutella!? It looks like ordinary color now. I'd like that only few best competitors can wear it. Maybe it should not be defined by rank? Or it can be defined by minimal rank + the limit of nutella competitors (e.g. 5 best).
Today there are 17 nutellas. 14 months ago they were 4:
2900+ Красный Легендарный гроссмейстер 1 4
Will there be third Revolution of Colors and Titles
How to increase my fucking rating.. Really frustrating.. Anyone please help.
You need to do HML-BKL
What did you mean by HML-BKL well kindly requested to give some usefully suggestions
Red coder shubham sir please help .
He is not a red coder. He is using the magic feature available in the profile tab. He is also just a specialist.
For increasing rating, upsolve after contests. By upsolving I mean that after the contest gets over to solve the problems which you were not able to do during contest time. Take help from editorials/tutorials available after some time of contests in right panel of contests. If you are not able to do them still then see the solutions available of the coders who have solved them. If you are not able to do a contest then make a virtual contest of that contest. Firstly solve in contest time. then upsolve. I know I am just a specialist but still, I hope it helps
I'm not red or specialist, i'm an expert (this is my fake id)
I'm not shubham, coz shubham madarjaat hai
Take part in all contests, and upsolve one problem which you were not able to solve during contest like InsaneNerd said
Given the recent influx of participants in light of the coronavirus situation, is it time for the third revolution of colours and titles? I say this because I recently jumped to Master myself, even though all I've been doing is solving easy questions quickly, not solving tough questions. In my opinion, speedforces alone shouldn't get you into Div 1.
For reference, when the second revolution of colours and titles happened five years ago, there were 183+380=563 red and orange coders. Now, there are over 2600. Has Codeforces participation grown 5-fold in proportion?
Don't be too strict to yourself, you're just getting better. In last round you took 232 place out of 11761 participants (excluding div1 coders), so you were in ~1.8% of the best people. We can compare it to some old round, where you had good result, e.g. cf 563 round. You took 129th place, but there were only 5556 participants, what means you were in top ~2.32% of participants in that round. As you see your last contest was one of the best in which you took part, so it's not weird that you finally became master.
I feel there is strong inflation. I feel that because I am performing about the same on other sites and here on Codeforces somehow didn't lose rating even when I performed absolutely pathetic. (See straight lines in my profile in recent contests).
I have a feeling that all those new users during quarantine are giving me their rating because they aren't good. But I am gaining rating even when I didn't get better. I don't want this.
I agree, we need a post for third revolution of colours and titles. Some updated statistics and also the bounds for each colour (orange is now 2100).
Do you mean e.g. to lower bounder for Grandmaster? 5 years ago there were 183 grandmasters out of 23168 participants which is ~0.79%. Now there are 511 grandmasters out of 79782 participants so it's ~0.64%. Looks like being red became significantly harder than it was after 2nd revolution of colors.
Here's some statistics so that it all doesn't reduce to "I feel like".
Increase in all categories is fairly consistent compared to October, although the number of "old border LGMs" has grown faster than other ranges.
If it is correct that a disproportionate number of new/returning users have a very low level, then my statistics would imply a heavy rating inflation indeed. But it seems more likely that there is a proportionate amount of people returning to every range.
Furthermore it seems hard to believe that Coronavirus is already affecting Div. 1 ratings so heavily. There have only been 2 Div 1. rounds since lockdown started in most countries.
Great statistics, thanks for your response. Although, I'm not sure how to interpret this data: it could imply that most new users are at a low level, and so existing users get bumped up across the board. It could also imply that a proportionate number of people return to every range.
Is it possible to collate the average rating delta (change) for users who have been active in the October 2019 to April 2020 period (not new users — perhaps use a cutoff minimum number of contests participated in as of October 2019)?
If we compared these numbers to similar average-delta figures for other 6-month periods, would that comparison provide greater insight into the amount of "inflation"?
Or maybe an analysis of rating change vs the number of contests participated in?
It is possible to do many things, but currently this is all the data I have (I just collected it manually and I had done the same in October). I can look into what kind of data you can get from CF API — maybe it is enough to do a detailed analysis like that.
today become the Newbie LGM !!