Hello all,
i have learned that for converting Bipartite graph to Maxflow, i need to introduce two vertices, super-source and super-sink and each edge will be assigned a capacity of "1" from the super-source to the vertices in one partition and to the super-sink from the vertices of another partition, and then apply the maxflow algorithm, where the maxflow is the max-matching. My question however is that is this system can be applied to the weighted bipartite graph, for finding the maximum weight of the graph ?? if not then is there any other method how i can reduce the weighted bipartite graph to maxflow problem. Hope to get some reply.
Thanking You
yes!!! i meant maximum weight of the maximum matching , btw please point out whether i am wrong,
1. "capacities give edges costs" --> that means, the weight of the edge from a vertex in one set of partition to another vertex in another set forms the capacity of that edge.
2. "All other edges (i.e edges incident to sink or source) will have cost 0 " --> but i read in many articles that i have to assign a cost of 1 i.e the capacity should be 1 to/from the vertices from/to the source/sink node.
3. "Using min cost max flow algorithm you can find a maximal (i.e. with the max number of edges) matching with minimal weight" --> I asked for the maximum weight .....
Hope i did make my points clear.
1. Find the path
2. Increase flow through it
3. Repeat
For a weighted graph:
1. Find the SHORTEST path
Don't forget about back edges - they have negative weight.
Is there a problem with understanding how to solve biparate a matching without weights using maxflow?
please tell my whether the steps are correct.
1. first i will take the inputs
nodes(x, y) along with their weight(w).
p.s: i dnt have to bother whether it is bipartite graph, because i assumed it is a bipartite graph.
2. Please tell me then how should i add capacity to all the edge's, also the super-sink and super source, and also what will be the value of the added capacities.
3. in maxflow, the implementation is based on the capacity of the edges, for finding the augmenting path, so what should i do with the weight's that has been added to each edge during input?? shall i just add them up later for those edges forms the maximum matching ??
4. For this method of maxflow, i.e maximum weighted matching in the bipartite graph, what is the runtime ?? is there any other way to decrease the runtime for maximum matching using maxflow.
Hope i could made my things clear, and sorry for the poor english.