Контест окончен, надеюсь, вам понравилось :-) Разбор задач — здесь. До следующего года!
В пятницу 1 апреля состоится четвертый Первоапрельский контест — несерьезное соревнование, в котором решить задачу зачастую проще, чем догадаться, что же в ней надо сделать. В его подготовке мне помогал kit1980, а также команда Codeforces.
В этом раунде вас ждет 7 необычных задач, на решение которых дается два часа. Раунд будет проводиться по схеме ACM ICPC (без взломов, положение в результатах определяется количеством решенных задач и набранным штрафным временем) и будет нерейтинговым. Решения можно сдавать на любом языке, поддерживаемом Codeforces — если, конечно, иное не оговорено в условии задачи ;-) Чтобы получить представление о том, что вас ждет, можно взглянуть на контесты прошлых лет: 2012, 2013, 2014.
Как обычно, чувство юмора, совместимое с моим, является необходимым условием для успешного участия. Удачи!
April Fool's joke:
Us: Woo, unrated contest.
CodeForces: April Fool's, it's rated.
Us: rating drops
CodeForces: Just kidding... all newbies become legendary grandmaster...
Yeah, lets invert the ratings for one day. Like, for exampple, your rating tomorrow=Tourist's rating-your actual rating. Fun!
So,It's rated or not?
Yes the joker man!!!
You did the best!
You can submit solutions in any language allowed by Codeforces — well, unless the problem says otherwise...
oops, fells like I should have learned another language rather than just c++, but wait a second, it's April Fools day, so probably a joke ^_^
Check this problem B. Mysterious Language from April Fools Day Contest 2014 .
Can we participate as a team ? It would be more fun I think.
Is it ok to privately collabrate with friends during contest?
You mean privately cheat?
Well it's April Fools......
you want to distribute the fun between you and your friends while you can have it all for yourself?
А почему этот пост не на главной страничке? Вроде официальный раунд КФ...
Надеюсь, хоть и первое апреля, но раунд начнётся вовремя.
Ну, в этом и будет заключаться одна из шуток))
The problem statements for the previous April Fool's contests are insane! It will be fun! Eagerly waiting for it! But please don't April Fool us.Hope it's really unrated!
That would be the evilest thing I could imagine
I am not participating. What if the part that says that the contest is unrated is an April fools prank and it is actually rated?
What if there's actually no contest and the announcement was just a prank?
What if the complete announcement is true and the part that is fooling us is the part about April Fool, while actually they are not making any fool out of us?
That would be so last year. I'm not really into that kind of jokes, I prefer something more elaborate ;-)
I value your honor among thieves attitude.
Seems interesting! I don't mind if "unrated" is a joke, it makes it a lot more exciting in my personal opinion.
Well, have fun everyone. ;-)
Is it rated?
The author says unrated but the comments say otherwise
It's not an easy question :D
You don't get it. He's doing an experiment.
The contest will use ACM ICPC rules (no hacks, the standings are decided by the number of solved problems and penalty time earned on them), and it will be unrated.
why not))
Think too much but so funny!
There may be an April Fool Problem. The Problem is Present but no Problem Statement , Input & Output . Like This :
From blog/entry/4255:
It's my personal contest, 10x 2 Nickolas :)
waited for two years...
hope it's rated ~ so I can become a specialist
This is what had happened in 2014th April Fool Contest. Really making us Fool :-p
I read some of its problems and understood none of them :/ is it normal?
It's expected.
Sounds interesting..
That is exactly at 0:00 on April 2 in Beijing ,which is mocking!
Same here.
Hey, guys! I didn't have a Codeforces account until last year's October and now that I see that there were April Fools Day Contests, can anyone tell me why hasn't there been a contest last year?
Something didn't end up very funny last year. They've been fooled.
Nickolas was busy
It's 13-be-dar in Iran, we are supposed to go outdoor for a whole day and spend the day with family and nature. Well, except programmers, it seems!
Actually it seems Iranians welcomed this contest a lot!
what is the solution of A problem
Editorial will be published in 1 hour :-)
but i need now
Search oeis.org for Da Vinci and you'll find a fake powers of 2 sequence. Copy that and AC.
The interesting thing is when I searched "da vinci" on OEIS, only fibonacci thing came up. Now it shows the other one. Maybe I didn't wait enough for all search results to come :/
How did you find this webpage?
And I searched it on Google :'(
searched by keyword "Da Vinci"...
It was awesome!!!
(the best joke I can say :D )
Bro, Can't you wait until the contest ends?
Wow amazing tasks. Waiting for the ultimate prank "the contest is rated" to return to yellow. :P
So what's the deal with problem F? Is it really OEIS? Is there a way to do it without URL requests?
How to compress ~280000 integers to 64KB? Codeforces doesn't accept my solution :(
How did you download them in the first place?
1 + sum of all digits, and '0' == '9'
It's blackjack sum. OEIS is a prank.
They are just poker card numbers! A = 1 10 = 10
this is the only thing about the first sample that I found and don't understand it :(
It's blackjack
как решить первую?
Problem G. I see what you did there :)
The problem is a joke haha
Hey, what's wrong with submission for G using Python?
You should submit it in 2 languages and add a "kitten" at last
Hmm... Thought about the second language, but what is a #kattie? And how do you know that?
The judger will notice you add a kitten when you submit with the second language
Wow, that awesome, thank you
When you submit it with 2nd language, you will get something like:
So many characters... Can't your code be shorter? Please remove 8 more characters.'
Then when your code is short enough, you will get:
Needs a finishing touch... Can you add a kitten?
And you need to add a 'kitten' in your program, for me it means you need to make it shorter again..
Aha, now I got the title :)
I copied someone else's code, and got So many characters... Can't your code be shorter? Please remove 117 more characters dafuq!
I really need to know how to solve problem A. It's driving me crazy
I got the solution from here
What is that? It's not 2^n?
really don't understand why problem A like this...
How do I solve D? I kind of saw a pattern of a cipher but couldnt decode it
number of '1' in octal form of input (sry for bad English)
, i.e. "left right up down")Some years ago here was a contest with Befunge as the only (?) acceptable language. That was awesome.
Мне очень понравилась идея по задаче E, ещё бы отключить тернарный оператор чтобы интереснее было :)
Перегнать в base64 и даже тернарный будет не нужен
Can we still submit the solution after the contest ?
Loved F. Epic troll.
Довольно прикольный контест :)
For G, why WA on test 1 when all verdicts are OK?
this question is driving me crazy. I saw my code to pass all test and get WA on 1 twice. Still hoping for some kind of magic
Hint: click on the "Wrong answer on test 1"
We had to use different languages? Can you tell me about any of them?
Yes, the problem should be solved using two languages. I thought about changing the interpreter from Python to PyPy, however, this does not help. You could read this comments branch: http://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/44106?#comment-287483
what does "Your code is overly controlled. " mean?
Don't know. Could you, please, post the entire message? My message was about unsupported language.
I got it... it is for problem E and mean I used the keywords that I didn't have to use
Today I learned how to get a pointer from a label in GCC to implement if without the usual keywords. I want to unsee that, but I can't...
I thought about this idea for a moment but luckily I found a better way.
to the rescue!Когда неправильно понял мем и весь контест пытался побороть чекер
Guess,Guess,write,write,and I always got an WA
We can use Ruby to solve E easily. 'if' can be replaced by 'unless' while '1.upto(n)' or '(1..n).each' for 'for'
Больше всего на CF люблю ваши контесты, Nickolas.
А если не только на CF, то ваши и еще IPSC — жаль, что и то, и другое бывает редко.