Hi coders
Sears is hosting its first ever online Hackathon on HackerRank- Sear Dots & Arrows with some really big prizes on offer. Register yourself now at https://www.hackerrank.com/sears-dots-arrows
The contest commences on Sunday, 23 October at 5PM IST, and remains open for 7 hours.
- 1st prize — 400,000 INR
- 2nd prize — 200,000 INR
- 3rd prize — 100,000 INR
- 4th to 15th — I Pad
- 16th to 100 — 2,000 INR
- 101 to 200 — 1,500 INR
Prizes are only for Indian programmers residing in India.
Please check out the contest page (https://www.hackerrank.com/sears-dots-arrows) for more details on the contest.
UPD Final leaderboard is generated. Congratulations to the winners.
12 ipads and ≥ 1500 bucks for the top 200. What. The. Fuck.
Will the prizes be given on the basis of online round ranklist or onsite ranklist?
Prizes will be given on the basis of onsite rank list.
How many spots are there in the onsite?
Its not yet finalized but it will be somewhere in the range of 150-200.
To be clear, this means you will be covering travel expenses for everyone? And the prize money mentioned is seperate from this expenditure right? Also, where is the final scheduled?
Yes, we will be covering the travel expenses. Also, Prize money is independent of the travel expenses.
Five finalized locations are: Delhi, Mumbai, Kharagpur, Bangalore and Hyderabad. We may add more locations later.
200 slots and everyone with 101 <= rank <= 200 get 1500 bucks .
Everyone participating in onsite would get a prize ? o.O
Holy shit! Not only that, but the travel expenses will be covered too.
So if you're in the top 200, you basically get to travel to another city for negative cost.
Exactly how many spots are there in the onsite?
I asked them. It's top 200
Is the onsite event a Hackathon or a usual coding contest?
What is INR ?
how to apply for a Indian citizenship?
Can you please clarify what you mean by Hackathon? Normally hackathons are used to develop software, but then in the contest details page it is mentioned that "To power the same, Sears India invites coding talent from pan India to compete in a 2 tier 'algorithm intensive' programming Hackathon". Is it going to be an algorithmic programming contest similar to the first round or not?
What's the solution for Simple Paths?
I check if some color is included in the set by seeing the components made by edges that are of colours =/= that color offline. This only gets 83.33. WA on test case #6. Submission
Your submission is not visible. However, In case of a forest, did you checked if initially both x,y are in the same component?
I did check that. Ideone.
pika is the component array of original graph. comp is the component array of graph after removal of coloured edges.
UPD: Also, I was not 100% sure, so I had tried answer to be 0 and C both(that is, replaced
at line 68).It should be:
They need to be in the same component initially.
How to solve the problem Sublist Riddle?
This is my solution I used DP to solve it. The state was current number, and three boolean variables representing if the intersection of two lists is empty or not. Complexity is O(N*2*2*2)
You could also solve it as a combinatorics problem.
Here's a link to my solution : http://ideone.com/nmTHJo
Here's a link to possible explanation : http://math.stackexchange.com/a/1701866
Can somebody post their accepted code for D Connection Queries? I implemented Mo's Algorithm but the solution was giving TLE. I am using Mo's + Hashing.
Link to my AC solution
How to solve connection queries?
I solved Connection Queries using MO's Algorithm.
Keep cnt[] array where cnt[i] = 1 if node i is present in the range [current_left(cl) , current_right(cr)].
Lets say ,we have answer (ans) for [cl,cr] in mos algo.
Explanation of add(): adding a node (a[i]) in the current range of nodes. if cnt[a[i]+1] == 1 and cnt[a[i]-1] == 1, then adding a[i] will join 2 components hence ans--. if cnt[a[i]+1] == 0 and cnt[a[i]-1] == 0, then adding a[i] will add 1 component which is single node (a[i]) hence ans++.
Explanation of remove(): removing a node (a[i]) in the current range of nodes. if cnt[a[i]+1] == 1 and cnt[a[i]-1] == 1, then removing a[i] will break 1 component into 2 components hence ans++. if cnt[a[i]+1] == 0 and cnt[a[i]-1] == 0, then removing a[i] will remove 1 component which is single node (a[i]) hence ans--.
Handle the cases when a[i] = 1 and a[i] = n in both the functions.
My AC code using same Algorithm.
Can connection queries be solved using segment trees?
Can someone explain what sublist riddle wanted us to do? I'm still confused.
Approach for the last problem ?
Use Matrix Multiply and make the Transform Matrix T, use Exponentiation by Squaring to get Bib(x) fast.
Also Bib(x+y) = Bib(x) * T^y.
List all the elements to add up S (assume N = 4), we get
row_1 => Bib(A1),
row_2 => Bib(A1+A2), Bib(A2)
row_3 => Bib(A1+A2+A3), Bib(A2+A3), Bib(A3)
row_4 => Bib(A1+A2+A3+A4), Bib(A2+A3+A4), Bib(A3+A4), Bib(A4)
sum(row_2) = sum(row_1) * T^A2 + Bib(A2)
sum(row_3) = sum(row_2) * T^A3 + Bib(A3)
sum(row_4) = sum(row_3) * T^A4 + Bib(A4)
Then sum all of them up to get S.
Problem: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/sears-dots-arrows/challenges/modified-fibonacci-1
Algo: Matrix Expo.
let the array elements be { a[1] , a[2] ... a[n] }.
Then b(a[i]) = T^a[i]-1, where T is the transformation matrix.
Now , all the sub-arrays ending at index i-1 will be.
S1 = (a[1] + a[2] ... a[i-1])
S2 = (a[2] + a[3] ... a[i-1])
. .
Si-2 = (a[i-2] + a[i-1])
Si-1 = (a[i-1])
Now, contribution of all the sub-arrays ending at i-1 will be,
tans = b(S1) + b(S2) ... b(Si-1) = T^(a[1]+a[2] ....a[i-1]-1) + T^(a[2]+a[3]...a[i-1]-1) + ... T^(a[i-1]-1).
now, the contribution of all the sub-arrays ending at i will be,
T^(a[1]+..a[i]-1) + T^(a[2]+...a[i]-1) ... T^(a[i-1]+a[i]-1) + T^(a[i]-1)
which is equal to,
(tans * T + I) * T^(a[i]-1).
My AC code using same Algorithm.
Can anyone provide some information about the timings and exact venue of the onsite contest?
Does anybody know when the onsite results will be announced?
They have announced results on their website: https://www.searsindia.co.in/hackathon/. However hackerrank leaderboard isn't updated.
Cool :)
How to solve "Cut into Palindromes" problem..??
Unable to parse markup [type=CF_MARKDOWN]
Where can we see onsite problems ?
Can't view , says it is a restricted contest .
How to solve "greedy strategy"?
TL DR: Brute-force — O(n^4): http://ideone.com/w3J7Lk
Naive solution is obvious: While we can find a solution try all O(n^4) top-left and bottom-right vertices of submatrix, and take the best in each iteration. Since, there can be at most O(n^2) solutions the runtime is O(n^6) which gives 36 points.
To optimize the above for 100 points, iterate on each O(n^4) submatrix only once. If we can check if to take this submatrix or not in O(1), we are done since we have an O(n^4) solution which fits the time limit.
1). To check if to take A[x..c][y..d] or not in O(1) is simple — if we have calculated B[i][j] = number of ones in A[1..i][1..j], then check percentage condition by calculating number of ones in A[x..c][y..d] by the formula B[c][d]-B[x-1][d]-B[c][y-1]+B[x-1][y-1]. To update matrix B, note that it needs to be updated only when we choose a submatrix, so only O(n^2) time. So just rewrite whole B, first by making the chosen submatrix largely negative A[i][j] = -n*m-1 for all x<=i<=c and y<=j<=d. Then re-calculate whole B using B[i][j] = A[i][j] + A[i-1][j] + A[i][j-1] — A[i-1][j-1]. Number of ones will come negative in a submatrix if it overlaps with some other already chosen submatrix.
2). The iteration order of submatrices is dictated in the question itself: take decreasing order of area, then all start points from (1,1) to (n,m) then increasing order of lengths which divide the area: You can code to iterate on each submatrix exactly once by using two pointers on lengths with fixed area(refer to above code).
did anyone get the reimbursement or prize money for the onsite ?
Did everyone get their prizes ??
NO. Probably it will come next year :(
No. !
First comment after becoming purple :P
I still haven't received my prize money. Will it ever come? :p
Me too and few of my friends also haven't received the prize money
I messaged them on Facebook a week ago and this was their reply — "Yes you will be getting it. The team is working on it. Apologies for the delay.."
I kept bugging them over email and finally, got my cash prize as well as cab amount in Dec or Jan.
Well, I have got my prize today and couple of my friends too.
Yeah, same here. Finally!
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