My team and I are preparing for the ACM ICPC world finals. There are two ICPC preparation camps this winter, roughly around the same time: The camp at Petrozavodsk, and a training camp at Barcelona
We had it in our minds to go to Petrozavodsk. We really enjoy the problems that come out of that camp. But this camp in Barcelona seems interesting as well, and seems to also be under the guidance of big names in the competitive programming community.
So I'd like to get the opinion of people who are familiar with both these camps. What would you recommend? We're interested in what would be the most beneficial for our training for the world finals, so basically, we're looking for the place with the best problems and editorials, and we don't care much about things like bonus activities.
Thanks in advance!
omg, you are going to WF. you are a boss, competitive programming is too simple for you and your team. haha!
Dunno about the camps, but Barcelona >>> Petrozavodsk :D
I'm at Barcelona this week and can confirm Barcelona is great, weather is really nice even during winter and the beach is close. By the way does someone know if individual registration is possible and what's the cost?
If your team is strong enough to struggle for medals, then Petrozavodsk looks better.