vatsal's blog

By vatsal, history, 8 years ago, In English

I always wondered if there was a program to draw the graph given the input of the graph just like the input given in graph problems. My friend introduced me to Graphviz and showed me how it draws the graph given the input after some tweaking and scripting. Does anyone know how to do the same on Ubuntu 32 bit system? I am facing problems reproducing the script,etc as he uses Windows.

UPD: I have now solved the problem. It was something with the files. Thank you for your kind support.

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8 years ago, # |
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I usually use the tool from csacademy to draw graphs. It's simple to use and more powerful than any other I could find (like it can even automatically draw the graph in form of a rooted tree).

8 years ago, # |
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Graphviz works great on Linux. What problems are you having?