Bayan is a software development company working on large-scale web applications. Currently working on a Search Engine, we face serious algorithmic challenges every now and then, and we try to provide solutions using state-of-art techniques, including Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, etc. Salam, being one of its subprojects, is a Meta Search Engine focusing on retrieving relevant results for Persian queries.
We also hold an annual programming event in which talented programmers compete. Problems of the contest are prepared by Bayan employees who have experience of IOI and ACM/ICPC. The previous contest had a wide range of audiences. About 2000 contestants participated in the last year's opening contest.
This year, we have planned to invite participants from other countries as well. The elimination round will be held on Codeforces with ACM/ICPC rules. Top participants are invited to attend the on-site event in Tehran.
- No age restriction is proposed for the elimination round. However, only participants older than 16 are eligible to take part in the onsite event.
- No Bayan employee nor their families may take part in the contest.
- Iranian contestants will advance to the final event in a different process, and thus they are NOT allowed to participate in the Codeforces round.
Elimination Round
- will be held November 1st,
- is an individual event,
- takes 3 hours, with ACM/ICPC rules,
- cheaters are banned forever!
- Top 20 participants will be invited to on-site contest in Tehran, All accommodation expenses are covered by Bayan. Flight expenses for top 10 participants are paid as well.
- Top 100 contestants will receive the contest's T-shirt.
Elimination Round results
- Results will be posted here.
Onsite Contest
- Overall workflow of advancing to the onsite event is illustrated below:
- We will be having lots of interesting side-activies. Detailed schedule will be announced soon. Stay tuned!
- 1st prize: Gold Medal + 3 Gold Coins (24 gr total) + $1000 Iranian Handicrafts
- 2nd prize: Silver Medal + 2 Gold Coins (16 gr total) + $1000 Iranian Handicrafts
- 3rd prize: Bronze Medal + Gold Coin (8 gr) + $1000 Iranian Handicrafts
Bayan Programming Contest. Зато честно.
Bayan Programming Contest. Длинная заготовка — это мой шанс пройти на онсайт.
Bayan Programming Contest. Top 100 [:]|||||[:] T-shirt.
Bayan Programming Contest. Программирование на музыкальных инструментах.
Bayan Programming Contest. Раздвинь меха!
Bayan Programming Contest. Тональность С#.
Два шутника нашли друг друга ^_^
ты все испортил
ненавижу тебя
Довольно забавно, но стоит ли ради этого получать второй паспорт? ;)
Не понял. Зачем второй паспорт?
Чтобы не иметь потом эпического геммороя с визами в Штаты и Канаду
Лол. А в России можно просто так взять и получить второй загранпаспорт?
Нет, как и первый, получить непросто. Минимум нужен запрос от работодателя. Но вот мне Интернеты подсказывают, что проблемы нынче только с Канадой
Это число участников, а не возраст
Are Jews eligible to participate?
No it is ok to call them Jews
In Iran,there is no law against Jews (in general), so you can take part in the competition just as any other Russian guy can. On the other hand, Iran does not recognize Israel. Therefore the Israeli participants will not be able to get to Tehran. It's not a matter of religion, It's a matter of nationality.
:)) hmm, look at Tehran Jewish Committee or Dr. Ciamak Morsadegh's homepage(Jewish representative in the Iranian Parliament). i want just mention that Jews live in Iran like other religions. Yousef Abad synagogue (in Tehran):
Therefore there is no matter.
Do you know that 'bayan' in Russian is a problem that was offered on many contests before? :D
also in turkish 'bayan' means ....
So, that only women can participate?
Of course men can participate too. In Persian "Bayan" means expressing and saying and gender of participants is not important.
in kazakh 'bayan' also means... )
bayan means woman , how didn't I noticed that before "bayanlar ve baylar" = ladies and gentlemen
Bayan in Arabic means:
and more....
А в каких числах будет проводится это соревнование и будут ли русские условия?
Ну обожаю эти гениальные вопросы! Как они их выдумывают?!
...Elimination Round will be held November 1st...
А если речь идет об онсайте, то там, очевидно, никто русские условия делать не будет.А если понять строго наоборот? Мне вот тоже интересно, когда онсайт
Google translate, натравленный на contest.blog.ir, вполне внятно говорит "Третий и заключительный этап конкурса будет проходить в лицо, а в феврале 1391" — получается по-нашему видимо февраль 2013-го года, если считать что Мухаммад переселился из Мекки в Медину в 622-м году :-).
Спасибо. Февраль lgtm, а то в январе у меня уже отпуск забукан
И насчёт русских условий на отборочном раунде вопрос тоже актуальный
Will it be rated?
Iran is a beautiful country you'll be happy to come to Iran.
November 1st is quite close, but contest still is not included in schedule...
It's available for register now.
Will this contest be a rated event in codeforces?
Can I use prewritten code on this event?
What if you can't?
Obviously, I will not use it.
Did any rules stop you on CFBR 100?
What do you really know about CFBR 100?
I know about using multiple accounts. Actually, you continue using them to vote against my comments. jk..)
You are free to know about my multiple accounts on CFBR 100, or about my multiple votes against you, or about me killed John Kennedy. (the 18th article of UDHR)
Come on! Didn't you use them?
Don't try to joke this time, please...
Я сломал ветку!
I think I have a gentlemen's agreement with administration not to discuss that incident, as it makes no sense.
If you know that I'm using more than one account now (e.g., Rubanenko is my second account), you may report this to administration (they will laugh).
You act like a woman. When you are asked a question you should answer it, not to pretend an idiot and mention different things that we are not talking about.
And you are talking about gentlemen's agreements?! Funny, really funny...
Seems that you act like a troll. You may read the 3699 blog entry carefully and see that I was not even accused in using more than one account while CFBR 100. Moreover, this is meaningless in Codeforces rounds format.
I asked you about it about an hour ago and you still have not said yes or no, but continue saying sensless words :o
come on...just one word — yes or no.
and who act like a woman??
What is the question precisely?
Have I ever used more than one account on Codeforces? — Yes, and I've sent all really my accounts list to administration when my dsq was cancelled.
Have I ever competed any contest using more than one account? — No.
Do you really like waste time switching accounts?
Have you any problems with using multiple accounts? Do you want to speak about it?
What is CFBR 100?
CFBR stands for CodeForces Beta Round. But actually 100th was first not beta round.
There was prize T-shirts on CFR100
Which 3699 blog entries you are talking about?
It's all about this topic.
Everything is in Russian, so I didn't understand anything. :(
You may use google translate. It works pretty well.
sry, i am new to this, is it going to use inputs.txt for the input and outputs.txt for the output ?
Is it a big problem for you?
Any news about t-shirts?
I've received my T-shirt today. But I'm afraid it's too small for me: only L size.