Всем привет!
Сайт acm.sgu.ru был создан ~16 лет назад участниками олимпиад по программированию Саратовского университета: MikeMirzayanov и AndrewLazarev. К настоящему времени его кодовая база и инфраструктура окончательно устарели, и поддерживать систему в работоспособном состоянии неоправданно сложно. Однако, команда Codeforces регулярно получает просьбы оживить acmsguru, так как архив задач до сих пор представляет интерес.
Встречайте новую функциональность Codeforces — дополнительный раздел "acmsguru" в Архиве. В этот архив перенесены все задачи из старой системы. Есть еще несколько вещей, которые предстоит сделать: корректно портировать интерактивные задачи, улучшить отображение условий, поддержать новый раздел в Codeforces API, поддержать возможность добавления задач в мэшапы.
Но, вы уже можете решать задачи, и наблюдать свой прогресс в отдельном положении для acmsguru.
Для сохранение духа acmsguru, просмотр чужих решений невозможен.
UPD: В некоторых старых задачах чекеры скомпилированы в 16-битные исполняемые файлы, поэтому временно тестирование таких задач не работает.
Why can't I view others submissions?
To save the spirit of acmsguru, viewing sources of other participants is disabled.
I wish if one problem is already accepted, then we can read the better code.
why so many "Denial of judgement"? I wanna test the code that I submit in sgu, and I got a "Denial of Judgement". Maybe it is not allowed?
In some cases it's WA 1, not Denial of judgement (37557189 CF == 1765512 SGU)
Whish to see testcases after getting wrong anwser:D
Oh shit, these tasks are hard :D So what, are we racing who will be the first to solve them all?
if they are hard for you doesnt mean their hard for every one :D
Actually that's exactly what it means... broadly speaking.
Can you please add tags to these problems as well, its a great feature to have while practicing certain topics
WOOOOW, good job
great update
thank u codeforces team ;)
An old friend has returned :)
Wow! That's awesome news!
Yeah i'm back
That's a great news! Really (codeforces == love)♥
а можно ли как-то скрывать решенные задачи ?
Нет, но наверное неплохая идея для фичи.
Is there any way to view/download your own solutions on acm.sgu.ru? I couldn't figure it out.
Some links seem to be broken. For example, clicking on problems' names at submissions tab doesn't work.
We will fix it, thanks.
That's amazing! Thanks a lot for this!
It was my favorite online judge when I was actively participating in ACM ICPC. Glad that now more people will be able to enjoy these problems.
By the way, is it possible to somehow get the archive of my solutions from acm.sgu.ru (given id and password)?
Could you revive TTB?
Some problems have TL = 0.25 sec, and the execution time is doubled. It's impossible to solve such problems in Java (e.g. 229 which I have accepted on acm.sgu.ru)
Problem 214 seems broken. Both xiaowuc1 and I got "Denial of judgement". I got AC on SGU and on ASC 03 in CF gym.
Thanks. We will look into it.
Could you please make it listing out the problems in increasing order of problem ID just like the old website ? Thanks.
Sorry, I read it wrong
Is it possible by now to add these problems to mashups?
a few moments later...
formatting is terrbile for few problems (Example: 113. Nearly prime numbers)
MikeMirzayanov, Can community help somehow?
Any news on adding sgu problems to mashups? :D
Is it possible to view test cases of these problems?
what is acmsguru
It's one kind of problemset.You can develop your skill very much,b coz you cannot see others solution here,and tutorial is banned for acmsguru.To develop yourself,you should practice the problems from problemset,acmsguru and contest page
easiest contest problem:[problem:[problem:4A.Watermelon]],and easiest acmsguru problem[problem:100.A+B]](A+B)
An old friend just came back.
If you want the editorial, solve problems from the main problemset.
Any news on adding sgu problems to mashups? :(
Any news on adding sgu problems to mashups? :(
Problem 285 seems to be broken, my submission got Judgement failed. MikeMirzayanov, could you please look into this?
Fixed. Thanks for pointing out the issue.
What actual memory limits for acmsguru problems? I've got AC for problem 122 with submission which used 6200KB memory, although in statement said that memory limit is 4096 KB.
Is it not better to show testcases? Sometimes it's usefull.
Would it be possible to restore old acm.sgu.ru accounts' list of solved problems? I did some problems in the old site but I don't know which ones are left now.