I am very puzzled by the Problem C Circle of Monsters(https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/1334/problem/C) because I just change a array to a variable, It is OK. I could not understanding it. WA:76226390 AC:76226567 Thank you very much, if you can solve my problem.
I don't know the answer, but seems that you can make some progress on your own: at the bottom of the submission pages there's a link "Click to see test details", which shows the input and output for the failed test case. You can run the programs locally on that input and see if it produces the same output as on the server. If it does, you can just debug using a debugger; if it doesn't, look for undefined behavior (e.g. uninitialized variables, out of bounds array accesses, etc).
EDIT: After looking at the code again I found the bug, but I'm not gonna tell you what it is; get some practice with debugging :P