Hi, I created a medium article (don't worry it's not starred article) to share about my thoughts on how to start CP for beginners: https://medium.com/@dickynovanto1103/competitive-programming-beginner-starter-pack-3564e717a890. Feel free to read it and also feel free to comment and give advices. Thanks
Thank you very much dickynovanto1103! I hope it will help me with my bad rating.
sure..hope it helps you. Don't forget to enjoy in the learning process :)
Did you raise your rating using own methods you talked in an article?
When I was at about your rating, I learnt structurally in UVA, learnt the basics, got more confidence, and thus got Expert rating rapidly. (However, I don't recommend you to learn from UVA because of the judging issue they have now).
After getting expert rating, I was wondering why I can't advance more than expert. Everything is kinda a plateau and I was asking why. Then I realized just around this time that I was learning wrongly, I started to solve problems randomly in CF (not structured), reading hard techniques and just learning it on the surface which is quite not beneficial.
So those that I mentioned in the article are the things that I wish I have in mind when I was / am at plateau and I think this might be suitable for beginners who are struggling and not having significant improvements.
Hello, thanks a lot for the nice article!
And also, nice to meet you!
I've followed you on codeforces, and hoping for more helpful articles!
Thanks. Hopefully we can enjoy the learning process and improve along the way.