Hello, Codeforces!
Unfortunately, I report that I decided to reschedule this round. I'm afraid that something might go wrong. Some strange database behavior has appeared, which leads to slow operation in completely unexpected places (it never was and should not be). I will work hard to fix it. My recent tests show that this can dramatically increase judging time (and leads to a huge queue). I don't want to risk the efforts of the writer, the coordinator, testers, and your time. Sorry about it, I was trying to fix it for many hours but I need more time. Hope it will be a great round!
UPD 1: I temporarily rescheduled it on May, 6. But I'll discuss the date with the writer and coordinator and reschedule it again to the date they want.
UPD 2: Monogon approved that May/06/2020 17:35 (Moscow time) is good new date and time for the round. See you in 3 days!
UPD 3: It seems I've fixed the issue. It turned that it was connected with week ago incident. Now it is 4 AM and time to sleep.
happy fixing!
Like a person is all ready with all the pen and paper stuff, and page reloads:
"Round has been rescheduled!"
That's disappointing!
But yeah! Happy fixing. Hoping this get fixed soon and the round is preponed(pardon!) again.
Happy winter solstice day!!1
it's ok to postpone it instead of doing unrated round.
It is, indeed. We'd rather wait for a good contest, than wait in a judging queue. I must say, really commendable on Mike's part to take a timely decision and then work so hard in fixing the problem as soon as possible. Really impressive how dedicated he is.
a delayed round much better than a techically bad round, if things went wrong during contest that would have created more problems, but still hoping the delay is shorter than 3 days
orz you're pupil but you should have been LGM
divide me pls senpai
Yes , I saw a long queue 3 hours ago.
DO NOT MAKE it on May 6th cuz its devil's day. Unrated round? What? orz
Your family called you a special child, didn't they?
what about your family?
last hope to pass two hours of quarantine has been rescheduled. xD
2 hours 15 minutes ;)
U made me laugh!!!!
We saw this coming ;(
lol im gae
why are you gé?
Hope you fix it soon.
while giving virtual contest today I encountered a long queue
Understandable. Have a nice day
It's completly okay! Thanks for all of your effots.
hopefully , you will be able to fix it very soon .
thanks for your hard work
Mike take as much time you want. I personally feel you guys are doing so good for the community. These small-time delays won't affect even a bit.
Thank you for the timely update! I'm glad to hear that the round won't be affected negatively by queueforces. Hoping for great problems soon :)
Yeah,but probably they can sneak in a look at Atcoder's/Topcoder's/Codechef's backend codes, never seen a contest getting delayed over there
Codechef? Lol.
Bro, In which world do you live? The award for most unrated contests due to large queue goes to Codechef! AtCoder also had to make one of the recent ABC as unrated.
Try CodeChef ....you will fall in love with Codeforces if you saw their queue time during short contest!!
Thank you, Mike!
Don't be upset — at least you are guaranteed to remain specialist for 3 more days.
Lmao Your graph is beautiful
You were so wrong. Lololo
Hopefully it'll be fixed
are you stupid? When everything is explained in the blog why are you asking "what happened?". And nobody is your bhaiya here.
pizza_hut orz.
Thoda toh contribution rating se pyaar rakh bhai
It’s a pity that I can’t write today, but this is the best decision
looking forward to it!
shit!!! Contest was my only weekend plan.
non weebs not even having better weekend plans. What has happened to the world!
This was my only weekend plan.
Its very nice that you are working hard to make sure everything is fine, thanks for your effort. I was warming up :(.
Thanks for your support, Mike!
Man, only giving up 3 minutes before the scheduled round. This is impressive AND inspiring. And I thought the production issues I've dealt with, were bad.
It's OK.
Yesterday, I waited for more than 1 hour to get my solution judged. That's good that it is rescheduled.
Is it the first time that we know the scoring distribution 3 days before a round?
EDIT: going live now with problem-solving of past div1 problems anyway https://www.twitch.tv/errichto
EDIT2: recording available on Youtube: https://youtu.be/qOk0MY2-v5E
Now we can make a strategy about scoring distribution for the rest of the days. LOL!
It can change also.
Is it true that increase in ratings is directly proportional to have good sense of humor?
Judging by some CF comments... yes.
This is actually an interesting topic for debate. Some say your sense of humor increases because of your rating others say that competitive programming is a huge joke so we are essentially practicing comedy. I mean just take look at Xellos the guy is a walking meme took him years of practice to get to that.
My competitive programming is a huge joke, yeah. That's what 4chan does, it induces a no-fucks-given sense of humour in people. After all, when someone calls you a faggot for the 1000th time, you worry less whether people will find you funny/smart and just go with what you want.
Why is this faggot my favourite commentor?
Not really as in educational rounds we know the distribution even before declaration of the round
the round which was held on the 5th or 6th of December 2016 was postponed too (its initial date was the 2nd of December) because mike was riding in the train from Saratov to spb
Waiting for a long time :(.. Good decision though :)
no round is better than an unrated one or a one with long queue. good decision!
No problem We know you tried your best to make it happen at scheduled time. We hope it will be fixed soon.
Good luck on fixing it ^^ It is ok
OK, I was surprised to see that the next contest will be in the next 3 days, Thanks Mike!
We prefer a flawless contest rather than a contest with a long queue for some reason. :)
Is there any chance for this round held before 6?
Atleast its better than facing long queues on submissions :). Hope it gets fixed soon
But why delay it three days? does this mean the problem can't be fixed sooner?
I guess this is temporary.
will everyone get chance to de-register or register again?
few people who are available today may be unavailabe on a later day, so will de registering be allowed?
You can still decide not to participate even after registering.
link click on the red cross
That was my only weekend plan!
10 mins before contest, wtf. People have plans you know
Being red dosent mean you are always busy. Moreover i think people who are grey are busier than redcoders since we have lot other things to do. Good day brah.
nobody accused you of anything to be so defensive.
+1, I would strongly prefer to know about this half an hour ago. I wouldn't waste any time then, and I'm sure it's similar for many other people. Still, moving a round even a second before the start is better than having a bad round.
Seriously!? You think he knew he can't fix the problem but he waited till 10 minutes before the contest to announce it!
I can assume it, but can you?
Leave it, only people having experience in Django, nodeJS, react (real programming) can know that. Not people who solve math and then hard code it to get points!
I've never seen before someone crying so hard on internet.
Are you blind? :(
absolutely, a delayed round much better than a technically bad round
But doesn't that also "indicate" that the management tried till the very end ; in order to fix the issue ; so as the contest can be carried on the time when it was meant to be carried !
And I was like, "Mom, I can't now, I am busy"
It's alright tho, good luck at fixing Mike, take as much time you need.
Hard Work never goes in vain have a Good Day!!
Is there a way to unregister?
Yes, you can. Here is the Link. Just click the red cross behind your name.
Why you must? If you don't want to participate just don't submit
why 6th may, not 4th or 5th?
Probably because it requires time to fix any issue, if I'm not wrong. :P
Btw as it is mentioned in the post, it is still subject to be rescheduled.
Because you are not helping them to fix the issue sooner.
guys, i meant that it is easy to reschedule it again to future, but it is hard to reschedule it to past
But it is better to reschedule for a later date once than to reschedule for an earlier date and later realize that it needs to be rescheduled again.
Disagree, but fff
Some people don't appreciate their daily plans being repeatedly upset.
Probably just being safe with how much time it'll take to fix the bug. No point re-scheduling again tomorrow :P
I guess it might still be moved up in case it is fixed in time.
Mark :
I temporarily rescheduled it on May, 6. But I'll discuss the date with the writer and coordinator and reschedule it again to the date they want.
That's fine, unexpected things DO happen sometimes. Hope you can figure out what's wrong, and prevent this from happening in the future!
Is three days quite a lot of time?
Thanks, This is why everybody loves Codeforces. :)
It's good to hear that because I'm tired now. (I'm in China, and it's 22:35 now)
We will still be live at 19:00 with some other Codefores problems:
I wish this post was added a few hours earlier, I skipped the Atcoder Beginning contest 166 because of this, since the schedule was going to hectic for me. :(
Why do all the great people have habit of apologising?
Its way better to have habit of show offing.
coincidentally I have my OS assignment deadline today , rescheduling is good news for me :)
God helped you today :)
you yourself said rescheduling is good news for you, indeed God listened
happy fixing!
human innate character -- pigeon :(
This is far better than announcing the round as unrated (due to the queue) later!
Ok no problem, this is a very correct decision
But they already know the score distribution, it is all void now
can you please explain how knowing the score distribution changes things?
I wish I knew myself
It significantly reduces the urge to post a comment asking for the score distribution.
$125658, Karl!
It's regretful for us Chinese students who will be staying at school!
hope you can fix it soon :3
Probably COVID-19 mutated so much so it infected the database
Oh, it's really hard decision, but really right...
Try restarting Codeforces :P
Thanks for the hard work.
perfectly matches with the year :)
Wish that I have a way to fix it with you together :'(
We will right here waiting for you.See you on May,6.
I'll have dinner on time :)
It' dosen't matter, Happpy fixing!
Is it related to the long queue this morning?Anyway it is much better than stuck in queue during a contest.Hope it will be fixed soon.
I want my money back ;)
Jokes aside, MikeMirzayanov thank you so much for your work, and for all the joy it brings to so many people.
It is indeed a good call and we know you tried your best. Good Luck!! Would be great if you could also blog about the fix too.
Thanks a lot MikeMirzayanov and don't be sorry, you've already gifted us with such a great platform. Believe you'll fix database problems soon.
Another pandemic?
guess the total number of registered participants in the next 3 days.
I was very happy that round was on Sunday ,because all the other days I am busy and now you rescheduled it... come on... Thank you ! ! !
Why do people upvote this fkn post, are you insane, is it some kind of cult of Mike, you just in love with every post of him??!
I personally upvoted this post because of his sincere effort to keep up this great community.
because you have to respect other people's work, and delayed round is better then failed one
It's like this is your first time on CF
Saves a contest from getting unrated. (Big Save)
One good effect of this: lots of participants because we have lots of time to register.
i hope this contest will be held in May,4 or May,5. Cause our holiday is from May,1 to May 5. i don't want to see this contest takes up my weekday's nights.
i waited for 30 min :<, but no problem, i hope you fix it soon, i will wait for it :3
i waited so long for this round. i am sad.
codeforces rounds are like best friends in quarantine days.

I was more than sure this meme would be posted
That's why I hate Coronaforces it has long queues while Codeforces simply reschedules the round! Good Job.
Like Doctors are saving us from the Covid-19 virus Mike saved us from Computer Virus! Thank you :)
Ah, it's ok. It affected only 20,000 people, not a big deal.
Didn't you think about spending 125000$ on hiring a team of infrastructure engineers, instead of struggling with bugs, DDOS attacks, 403, 404, server crashes, and electricity problems and apologizing for that all the time?
I think it would be hard to find a more competent team than the one working on Codeforces already. The bugs mainly appear during the efforts to add new features and make CF faster and safer.
yeah, feeling really bad for those 20k people who today were denied a service which they have been using freely using for years. I think mike is way too generous in apologising for issues like these. He could easily say(and he wouldn't be a bit wrong in doing so) "just fuck off you 20k people if you don't like my free service"
We are not paying anything does not mean that we don't have right to criticise.
Its quite possible that Mike and team gets some monetary profit from the site.
Do you think that companies/organisations would sponsor the site if there were no participants ?
I agree with SlowMotionSuicide to some extent.
Have you heard about the term "responsibility"?
It's 2020 now, all services on the internet are free, but it doesn't mean that administration is not responsible for providing quality services for users.
Another thing is that Codeforces used to be Mike's personal sandbox, however, it's not that anymore since the day he accepted sponsorship from Telegram and launched a crowdfunding campaign. Now he is responsible for providing quality services to those [companies and people] who paid him money. Also, he has to respect users in order to expect respect from us back.
I'm not blaming him for bugs or anything, I'm blaming him for being too selfish and continuing to run such a large platform on his own. Usually, a couple of large failures is enough to understand that something should be changed globally, however, for Mike it's not enough even dozens of them.
Then I think you would have to pay 100$/month to be a premium user to participate in the contests or just watch the standings as a free user. Be thankful that you are getting such quality contests for free and without annoying ads. If they use the whole money for hiring a team then who will make problems for free?
For what? FYI Telegram covers all the expenses for paying to problem setters.
Moreover, there are several other online CP platforms that work properly, provide the same services for free, and don't launch any crowdfunding. How do they manage to do that? Maybe they have better management?
Which platforms in particular are you referring to?
How much do you think the work of a decent software engineer costs?
Moreover, there's already a team of (I guess, mostly) students who work on Codeforces infrastructure.
For example, in USA $125K is yearly income of one decent software engineer, not of a team. Also, Codeforces doesn't start cowdfounding every year and have other expenses than only website infrastructure.
Such irony that user which didn't pay any cent point out on how Codeforces team should spend these money.
What are you upset about? It's a free service being provided. Stop being entitled.
You're making a faulty assumption that websites with more funds necessarily perform better but arguably the second most popular CP website (CodeChef) has a massive parent company but still glitches out during almost every short contest. (And even that is not such a big deal)
Plus, Mike specifically posted that they have been working on the bug for some time and he just doesn't want to risk wasting the efforts of the contest makers.
Happy fixing.
Can I cancel the registration? I might be busy :/
sw10pa just dont participate in the contest, it won't be rated for you if don't submit anything. No need to cancel registeration.
Don't want to be that guy but it would have been great if you could have indicated it earlier somewhere that the contest may be rescheduled since you had known about this issue for a few hours. Anyway, thanks for working hard to fix the issue for us :)
Unfortunately, in China, the Labor Day holiday was over on May 6. (T_T) Maybe consider canceling the registered status?
The current status of problemset is like a long jam on a highway. Every submission is "in queue".
Hope it will be fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for your efforts.
it ended now! All submissions are getting judged now!Cheers!!
let's go to dota))
My submission of a problem was queued from half an hour before the contest..I guessed correct that something will happen :)
who the fook is this?
He is |%|e
He is Indian john wick :P
The questions those are rated below 800 isn't showing . Hope you will fix it soon
I really wanted to experience blind contest, you don't get judged during the contest, and lots of hacks.
I think this could be done in Gym if there is a option for that, also this would make it unrated so no need to sorry about rating.
Thank you, Mike! I hope you can fix it soon.
This may be a coincidence, but tomorrow will be the first day students and pupil come back to school in Vietnam. If the contest starts, we have to decide between stay awake until 12AM(GMT+7) or go to sleep. So I think the positive part is, that we could take a nice sleep today before go to school. Anyway, hope the bug will be fix soon, and I can stay awake the day this contest begins <3
Bad news for Chinese students but thanks for your efforts:)
I understand the situation and the decision. But I'm really sad to miss the last Codeforces contest before the new school term which will begin on May 6th (crying...). Anyway, hope the bug can be fixed quickly.
It allows me to go to bed earlier
Could you please reschedule it eariler? I think three days are too long. (For example could you reschedule it on May 4th?)
Please post memes in english or with translation :)
me -> round
technical problems with codeforces -> me -> round
I can try, but my English is very bad and I think you will be laughing at my mistakes more than my memes :)
hope the round will be tomorrow...
I am pretty new to codeforces. Wanna ask if I registered but absent from it, would it be counted towards my rating? Thank you
No, if you register but don't make a submission then your rating won't change!
As far as I know, it won't. It's said that you must have at least one submission to make the contest contribute to your rating.
Not, if you have not sent a single package.
How many of you think round would be rescheduled before 6 May ?
I spent 50¥ returning to home for a chance to take the round.But when I'm done a shower and opened up with Ubuntu I saw it canceled... How can I explain all this to my mum since she prepared a big dinner for me to come home? Haha
Please schedule it on 5th may
No, he is better than you
It's HIS choice
Neha Dupia XDDDD
Rescheduling is better than long queue(Having long queue is like having bull shit in contest time!). Hope everything will be okay soon.
This is a lot better than an unrated round IMO. Thanks for your efforts.
He didn't ;___;.
But I really appreciate this meme. It's not an often case that such a wholesome meme makes me laugh so much.
Codeblocks 20.03 is out. It's high time to upgrade your old one to gcc 8.1.0.
Happy Coding.
this is why you are still grey.
I don't aspire to be a red one. But I enjoy it being a member of this talented community. Wish you will be red one soon. Good night.
You are also grey you know c; Stop offending people! Who knows, maybe a grey coder is better than a red coder in other subjects/items apart from competitive programming. Don't judge people by their rating!!
I am not worthy of giving a suggestion but you should have said at least an hour back anyway,Thank you for rescheduling.
Is there a way to unregister for the contest since one might be able to participate on the rescheduled date?
just dont participate in the contest, it won't be rated for you if don't submit anything. No need to cancel registeration.
took a nap 15 min before..woke up at 8:15(10 min late).. thought people may have done A or B also(worried).. Found contest rescheduled..what else u can ask for??
Huge queue is a big issue, It reduces the total number of submissions in a day of any individual. Please fix it Mike.
I appreciate your hard work. I will finally have dinner with my parents after a long time.
the queue seems to be cleared now :)
hope we have the round (re-)rescheduled prior to 6 May
So disappointing! But that learned me how important Codeforces contests have become in my life
The truest meme that I have seen :D
...to downvote.
Fixing Forces!!!
Weekend ruined :( Now Codeforces should compensate it by holding a contest every alternate day...!! :)
No worries Mike !! You have done a lot for us and will continue doing so. And no need to be sorry about postponing the round. It's for the betterment of codeforces. We can take the contest two or three days late. No worries.
Thanks for the update. Will be waiting patiently.
hats off to your efforts mike
When this post gets more upvotes than the contest announcement ... Holy shit
Don't know if that problem is fixed by Sir Mike but finally all submissions are getting judged! No Queue Forces!! Happy Coding Everyone!
I WOKE UP SUPER EARLY IN THE MORNING, MADE BREAKFAST AND A COFFEE AND SAT DOWN AT MY COMPUTER JUST TO FIND OUT THat Mike is incredibly hard working and clearly cares about this community a lot, and he definitely does not get the amount of thanks he deserves.
Thanks, Mike (and team). Myself and everyone else reading this should probably get around to donating so that you can keep doing what you do best.
Happy coding!
It's weird how post of round being rescheduled have more upvotes than post of round announcement.
I hope the wait for this round will worth it.
PS: Not being disrespectful towards AtCoder in any ways. It's a great platform.
All of AtCoder's contests are at 5AM for people living on the West Coast of the United States so I can realistically only do cf contests (which are 7:35AM). AtCoder is still a very good practice website though.
Mike: Writes a blog
It's sad that I'm not available to enjoy the great contest on May Day holiday because I have to go back to school. :(
~3000 upvotes and ~360 comments ₪_₪ INSANE!
How to gain some contribution? You break it, you fix it. Done!
And you waste hours :).
This blog has more upvotes than the official contest announcement :p
codeforces ^_^ best community ever ^_^
Wow! It seems that Codeforces has become unusually fast, or is it just me?
Happy Fixing Mike. Code Dreams !!!

But Thanos didn't die after this...
You were absolutely correct you predicted future!!
Well, this is ironic.
May I humbly suggest replacing the word for word translation from Russian "connected with week ago incident" with "related to the incident that occurred a week ago". :)
Actually the problem was not with the judge system. The server was crashed as it was not compiling any code and showed "In queue".
Broken judging system will not judge any submissions, including compiling and running tests.
That's why your code wasn't being compiled.
4am!!!! Thanks for working throughout the night for us.... :-)
Thank you for you effort!
when will be the next div 3
Why my solution got Judgement failed? 79006444
We have classes on that day,
so my parents will not let me to sleep after 22:00.
Can codeforces make more races before 21:00?
Thank you for staying up to 4AM to fix the issue!
Turns out the issue persisted after all