Problem : https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/1056/problem/C
I am confused. For the same test case, how is it possible that the outcomes can be different ?
Here is the correct verdict an AC submission gets. How come the outputs be different when the turn = 1 in both the cases ?
Here is my submission....which is a WA. Submission link : https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/1056/submission/82889004
Plz help me out. Thanks!
the third line of the inputs are different!!!
hi abhayp001 yes that is what i am not able to understand. In both the tests, 2nd line(array elements) are same and the turn value is also same (turn=1). So if turn is 1, I will choose the max value in the array, which is indexed at 6. Why is it 6 in test #3 and 12 in test #5 ?
it is possible that jury is not playing optimally he can choose any (not maximum) no. upd:- use a set
yes abhay, i understood that jury can also play in non-optimal way. But here in both test #3 and test #5, the first turn is ours(not jury). So in both the tests, since I play optimally, I should choose 6. But why 6 in test#3 and 12 in test #5? Just check the first input value which the user(me) gives in both the tests.
thanks for ur concern :)
your programm is giving wrong output on 6 0 73 766 748 111 544 978 381 864 195 952 558 970 1 2 9 10 6 11 1 this
2 is already taken by the jury but it is showing 6 12 10 8 2 3 output
Thank you so much abhay. I got to know my mistake! Thanks a lot :)
(ᵔᴥᵔ) good luck