Hey Everyone, I am trying to solve a problem and got stuck at this subproblem.
You are given an initial array a with N elements.
There are a series of update operations, Let's say there are K operation, such that in each operation ai is replaced with xi.
Now there are Q range sum queries, and in each query, you're given L, R, and P.
You have to find the sum of range in [L, R] after the pth update has occurred.
- N<=2*105
- ai <= 109
- K <= 105
- Q <= 105
- L,R <= N
The solution should preferably be with preprocessing and not be with offline queries.
Try persistent segment trees.
Why persistent segment tree? Can't we store and rearrange queries and updates in some specific order then solve using segment tree?
Thanks. Didn't see that.
Here's a video I made on a nice introduction to Persistent STs if you want to do it online.
Sir can you reply if https://atcoder.jp/contests/dp/tasks/dp_q this is solved by persistent segment trees only?
Not at all, it just requires a segment tree.
Will check out for sure. Thanks SecondThread
Thanks a lot mraron, that's exactly what I was looking for.
First Take all the Queries and sort them acc to p. Lets say 1<p1<p2<p3....<k. First update sum till pith update stor the answer for 2nd query and then continue updating the Segment Tree. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/segment-tree-set-1-sum-of-given-range/
Also Please Share the Problem Link here