While I was writing this, it made me think more about what upvote/downvote really means. In a sense, it is very necessary to downvote the comment which gives wrong/incomplete solution, to enable someone else to come to read the blog know which comment to avoid.
I want to ask everyone, What are your thoughts about this?
If there is any previous discussion about this on CF please link it in the comments. Thanks!
Another side note: We should compile links to introductory blogs, that have information about what blogs are, how to use comments section, guidelines to post/write blogs (including stuff like Asking for help FAQ and Blog formatting tips) for new users. If such a thing exists, please link it too.
I'm just gonna link this again.
Why did you have to make a blog about this?
I feel this is an important issue, and something we should definitely discuss about. Encouraging newbies is very important, and even more than that, discouraging them is much worse than just not doing anything.