Hello there! It's my first time writing a blog here. In the following problem titled Exponentiation II from the CSES problemset, Problem I was given three integers a, b, c and had to calculate the value of (a^b)^c modulo 1000000007 for each test case. I would write the exponentiation function and it gave correct answers for the provided test cases but WA for overall test cases. My function is as follows:
ll exp(ll x,ll n){
if(n == 0) return 1;
if(n == 1) return x;
if(n%2 == 0) return exp((x*x)%mod,n/2);
if(n%2 == 1) return (x*exp((x*x)%mod,n/2))%mod;
I call it as follows: exp(a, exp(b, c))
. But for the following method and call it gave the write answers:
ll modpow(ll b, ll p, ll m)
ll r = 1;
if(p & 1) r = r*b%m;
b = b*b%m;
p /= 2;
return r;
It's call is modpow(a, modpow(b, c, mod-1), mod)
. Why does it have to be mod-1
? Meanwhile, const int mod = 1e9 + 7
You can't calculate b^c with the same mod. The solution you're asking about is utilizing Fermat's Little Theorem. There's probably resources already online which explain better than I can so I won't try to explain here.
Also, this shouldn't make a difference here but just fyi
is a C++ STL function.geeksforgeeks explain this fairly understandable.